May 19, 2003 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

May 19, 20031:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, Chair, Rod Allen, Bob Burger, Kevin Butterfield, Barbara Ford, Peggy Glatthaar, Barb Henigman, Lyn Jones, Cindy Kelly, Tom Kilton, Kruger, Betsy, Bill Maher, Nancy O’Brien, Beth Sandore, Diane Schmidt, Karen Schmidt, Karen Wei, John Weible, Joyce Wright, Greg Youngen (for Tina Chrzastowski)


  1. Budget – KaufmanThe Provost hopes to protect the Library which means a lesser cut than other units.

    A letter was sent out to six deans, from the Provost, including Paula, Co-op Extension Services in ACES, KCPA, Krannert Art Museum, WILL, Vet Med, the Library and Spurlock talking about special funding units. Reminding the Deans of which these units report that in special circumstances and campus wide roles, we need to continue to express how important it is that these units which play key roles in our public engagement not be lost site of in our present budgetary circumstances. The Provost intends to meet with each of the units on a regular basis.

    The next meeting Paula is going to is one that the University Administration has put together. There are apparently a number of these committees.  This one is Library Partnerships for Electronic Media Subscriptions and Document Exchanges.  Paula is chairing this group that is charged to identify ongoing activities statewide and nationally and how the U of I might benefit if we are not already involved. They want to know how much the three campus library systems currently spend on acquisitions, both paper and electronic.  They want to know how we might take advantage of partnerships to help reduce those costs. Nancy John, Jane Treadmill, and Paula had a discussion off-line about this committee which also included Dave Stewart, Bruce Wicks, who chairs our Senate Library Committee, Jan Peach, who chairs the UIS Senate Library Committee, and Hannelore Lovey, who has chaired the UIC Senate Library Committee for a really long time.  They will meet by teleconference this afternoon.

    Paula has also met with the Senate Library Committee and the Long-range Planning Committee about the reallocation.  CDC did recommend to Paula that we not take the 2% reallocation this year given the timing and that it coincides with various serial cancellation projects.  The Provost and Paula had both accepted that recommendation so we won’t be doing a 2% this year, but we will be doing a 2% reallocation next year and we need to start that in the fall.

    The Budget Group and EC will continue to have discussions and Cindy has been working on various lay-off scenarios.

  2. Reproduction & Use Guidelines – K. SchmidtThis came out primarily because of Rare Books.  The need for these guidelines arose primarily because of demands on our Rare Book Library.  The collection and services there are often used very heavily, often for entrepreneurial place purposes.  In talking with Beth and a few other people we began to realize there were other models out there for archives and libraries and collections where people were recouping some of the expenses that they were putting into this. We decided to put together a document that will help guide us through that and help us provide guidance for necessary payments, etc.  AC reviewed it some months ago and then it was sent to Legal Counsel.  Some of the questions that may still need to be addressed are how much to charge for people and some of the other fees involved.  There were some philosophical issues in regards to how this affects our regular commitment to service.  Nancy O’Brien provided the pricing information from GSLIS for things they do that are similar to what we might want to charge. It will probably be one to two months until we start using it.

    It was suggested that the form state clearly who the checks are to be written to and who to send the form to, with an address and a contact person.  Divisions will see a line numbered copy to look at and make comments about.  In the first six months to a year the fees will be collected in one place until there is a sense of where the revenue is being generated.  Karen will make these changes and send it out for division review and subsequent AC discussion.

  3. Campus calendar for next year – BurgerHaving to be opened on December 24 is a hardship for some units.  The rule last year was that any unit with three or fewer permanent employees had the option of being opened or not.  The December 20 close time should be 6:00pm.  If the building is closed staff should not be here; check Circulation hours for time building will be closed. Bob will follow up and post a revised schedule.
  4. Unit Annual Reports – BurgerUnit annual reports will go to Bob Burger who is taking them over from Bart.  In early June the guidelines and forms will come out for the reports.  The deadline for the statistical part is August 1 and for the narrative is August 21.

    All faculty should be doing goal setting.  If you have questions about this let Bob know.  Paula will send out a note reminding the entire faculty about goal setting.  As set up last year by AC – Asst Librarians set goals with Unit Heads; Unit Heads set goals with Division Heads; Division Heads set goals with other Unit Heads in the Division.

  5. Announcements and UpdatesL. Jones – Cindy Ashwill had her baby on Saturday; Sarah Christine.  She will be at Carle until Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Lyn has been working with the Foundation to do filming in different parts of the Library and interviewing with people in the Library. She apologizes if you got a surprise visit.

    On June 11, 12, and 13 development is hosting DORAL – part of the ARL group of fundraisers in university research libraries.  As part of that conference there will be a session on major gift work with Bill Sturtevant from the Foundation. If anyone is interested in participating let Lyn know.

    We’ve identified a donor for the 10 millionth volume.  There is a $100,000 commitment. A large portion will go to a collections endowment.

    K. Schmidt – Continue to send in entries for the 10 millionth + 1 volume.

    5 years ago we started a Library quilt.  If you would like to add a square representing your unit, the deadline is September 1.  Lynn Wiley has the felt squares.

    J. Weible – Systems is set up to provide color printing.  He’s wondering how many requests units get for color printing to determine if usage would pay for the equipment.  Send information to John about requests you get for this.

    Kilton – could the door between the tunnel and Acquisitions be opened for access to Acquisitions?