May 17, 2010 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

May 17, 20101:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


1) Main Library Lost and Found (Schrader)

2) Review of 20% Budget Cut Exercise: Summary of Division Recommendations (Ward)

3) UG and Alum Borrowing Limits (Walter)

4) Student Wage Allocation (Walter/Allen)

Minutes Details


Scott Walter, acting chair, Tony Hynes, Mary Laskowski, Lisa Romero, Beth Sandore, Scott Schwartz, Marek Sroka, Bruce Swann, Tom Teper, David Ward, Greg Youngen; visitors – Rod Allen, Jeff Schrader; recording – Kim Matherly


1)    Main Library Lost and Found (Schrader)

The issue is that Units don’t have room to store large items, especially clothing, and items that are valuable. They would like Security or someone to pick up these items within 24 hours. There is currently no established policy. The committee discussed the units holding the items for one week. Then the Library would take the items and hold them for 30 days and then dispose of them after that. Jeff Schrader will draft a policy and send it to AC.

2)   Review of 20% Budget Cut Exercise: Summary of Division Recommendations (Ward)

There was interest in condensing the Functional Priorities part into a few core principles that we could use for budget/strategic planning discussions in the next year or so. The core principles were roughly:
– Support for larger hub libraries (ACES, Grainger, UGL, Main)
– Support for services providing collection access
– Centralizing reserves and other processing/tech services
– Supporting liaison work

The Strategies for cutting costs didn’t generate much actionable discussion. Many of these are either already under way in some form or another (e.g. most of the TSD ideas), or are not direct costs savings, as they were suggested as ways to redirect work to deal with the anticipated loss of staff a 20% cut might mean. There was a suggestion to send the report to Lynn Wiley’s services evaluation team to analyze in relation to their current project list.

3)   UG and Alum Borrowing Limits (Walter)

The limits for undergrads is being changed to 100 items. This will have minimal impact as only a few undergrad students check out this many books at once. Alum will be limited to 50 items. This recommendation was approved.

4)   Student Wage Allocation (Walter/Allen)

Minimum wage increases to $8.25 July 1. We don’t have a budget for next year, so we don’t know how this will impact student wages. No one had any questions.