June 12, 2014 Meeting of Library Staff Support Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

June 12, 2014

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Jim Cotter (Special Collections), Lisa Renee Kemplin (International Area Studies), Debora Pfeiffer (Technical Services), Dani Postula (Central Access Services), Laura Poulosky (Residence Hall Libraries), Barb Trumpinski (Life Sciences), Shoshana Vegh-Gaynor (Arts & Humanities), Julie Watkins (Technical Services), Sandy Wolf (Social Sciences)


Upcoming LSSC Elections:

Traditionally, the Library Staff Support Committee holds its elections in the summer.  Candidates are now determined by a self-nomination process, and then if there are any contested races, there will be staff-wide voting.  The following two-year terms are now up for election or re-election:  1 position each in Special Collections, International Area Studies, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Central Access Services, and Arts & Humanities, and 2 positions in Technical Services.
Please see LSSC’s official charge at the following site:  www.library.edu/committee/staff.com/members.html
We are also planning to have a table at the University Library’s New Employee luncheon on June 19, where any interested staff members can come talk with committee members about what we do on LSSC.  Additionally, staff members who would like to see what happens in an LSSC meeting are welcome to come attend a “sample” meeting.  Please email lssc@ilinois.edu or contact any of the LSSC members listed at the top of these minutes for more information.

Barb Trumpinski’s Retirement:

This was Barb Trumpinski’s last LSSC meeting, as she is retiring this month.  Many thanks to Barb for her faithful service to LSSC and to the University Library as a whole!  Look for an upcoming LIB-News announcement of Barb’s retirement celebration.

Welcoming a New Member:

Shoshana Vegh-Gaynor has been appointed to complete the current term of Arts & Humanities Division liaison to replace Laura Poulosky, who has moved to the Residence Hall Libraries.  Welcome, Shoshana, and thank you for joining us!

Upcoming Brownbag Session with ALA Staff Attendees:

Alex Bragg and Julie Bumpus will be attending ALA in Las Vegas this month.  After their return, LSSC will arrange a brownbag lunch session for some time in July, at which staff members can come hear about Alex’s and Julie’s experiences at ALA.

Break room update:

Library staff members had reported that non-Library-employed students were frequently using the staff break room, Main Library Room, 428, toward the end of the spring semester.  This issue was addressed by the addition of table tents that indicate the break room is for library staff only.

Division reports:

Neither the Social Sciences Division nor the Central Public Services met in May.  Dani reported that Susan Avery is the new head of Central Public Services.

Special Collections:  Jim reported that Jenny Johnson has stepped down as Division Head of Special Collections.  Tenured and tenure-track faculty from the Division will meet to elect a new Division Head.  The Division is planning to do some kind of Public Relations outreach at the Urbana Sweet Corn Fest in August.

International Area Studies Division:  Lisa Renee reported that the IAS Division met on May 8th.  The Division may soon hold a one-day faculty retreat.  There is a new International Reference Librarian in the Division, Joe Lenkart. [Lisa Renee will send me a link to the Division meeting minutes once they’ve been finalized.)

Technical Services:  Julie reported that members of the Technical Services Division have, among other things, been working hard to reduce cataloging backlogs before the move from Room 220 to Room 1 of the Main Library.  They are also planning to hold an Open Houses for Acquisitions and Cataloging to explain our procedures and workflows.

Residence Hall Libraries:  Laura reported that there was a wonderful turn-out to the Ikenberry Residence Hall Library Open House on June 6th.  Thanks very much to all who attended!  Ikenberry is open Mon.-Fri. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout the summer.  Please come check out books, DVDs, CDs, and videogames whenever you’d like!  Just bring your iCard.