July 20, 2009 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

July 20, 20091:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


1.) Library Energy Conservation Working Group Report:

Education and Personal Action Recommendations (Tom)

2.) Library IT Energy Conservation Efforts-Moving Toward a More Sustainable Computing
Environment (Tom)

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair, Tina Chrzastowski, Tony Hynes, Scott Schwartz (Bill Maher), Beth Sandore, Sue Searing, Marek Sroka, Mary Stuart, Tom Teper, Lynn Wiley, Cherié Weible (David Ward); Visitors: Peggy Steele, Cindy Kelly; Recording: Kim Matherly


1.)         Library Energy Conservation Working Group Report: Education and Personal Action Recommendations (Tom)

Tom Teper asked that the Division Coordinators talk to their divisions about the report and choose an “energy ambassador” from each division or unit, as needed. Those names should be brought back to the next AC meeting. It was suggested that the energy ambassadors become part of the Library Energy Conservation Working Group.

2.)        Library IT Energy Conservation Efforts-Moving Toward a More Sustainable Computing Environment (Tom)

Lee Galaway’s group is working with units to determine how many computers, printers, etc. each unit needs.

The committee felt there should be one computer for every full-time faculty and full-time and part-time staff person. If a unit head is not willing to cooperate, Lee should contact the Division Coordinator to help implement this policy.

If there needs to be an exception, Lee can contact the IT Advisory Committee for their input.

Division Coordinators should talk to their units to get their input on what the appropriate number of computers are in each unit, what the unit’s printing needs are, if there are any ½ time staff, and alternatives to regular work stations. Please send this information to Tom Teper

It might be a good idea to have a forum so people can see what alternatives there are to regular work stations.

3.)  Facebook/other social networking use by library employees

Personal Facebook and other social networking activities should not be done during work time on Library computers.

A forum should be held to talk about the benefits and negatives of Facebook and other social networking tools. People need to be reminded that if they put their information on one of these, millions of people can see it.