July 17, 2014 Meeting of Area Studies

Time and Location of Meeting

July 17, 2014

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


IAS Staff Meeting

July 17, 2014

Present:  Atoma Batoma, Urszula Biegaj, Kit Condill, Emily Ewers, Lisa Renee Kemplin, Joe Lenkart, Xiaoping Qi, Lynne Rudasill, and Steve Witt


  1. IAS Picnic at Atoma’s house Saturday, August 30 at 4pm. Address is 9 Holly Court in Savoy, 403-0847. Please bring a dish to share. Map to follow.
  2. IAS Student Orientation is Friday morning on August 22. IAS will be furnishing lunch on that day. We will be ordering pizza from Papa Del’s. Please give your contributions to Lisa Renee before that date. Also let Lisa Renee know if you plan to attend the lunch with the students. All are welcome. Thank you to those who have already contributed.
  3. Sabrina Jaszi has joined IAS. She is also working in Conservation. Sabrina will be working with Joe on editing for International Reference, Web Development, Web Archiving, and digitization projects for Slavic acquisitions. Please say hello when you see her.
  4. The annual report is due in August. Please send contributions to Steve. Sveta is working on the statistical report from spring semester.
  5. There is a new display bulletin board in the hallway of RM 321. This is the second bulletin board closest to Steve’s office. The display contains publications from faculty and across campuses.
  6. Steve is working on a CRL blog posting related to what is an Area Studies Librarian.
  7. Joe will take the minutes of our next staff meeting on August 7 as Lisa Renee will be on vacation.


  1. Reminder of IPIO funds. There has already been a commitment to offset Title VI for African and Middle Eastern. Will hold off on other commitments until the results for Title VI are in. Projection for end of August. Encouraged to think about one time purchases.
  2. The proposal for support for International buying trips was accepted with a cash endowment of $15,000. The committee members to work out the details of submission and impact evaluation include Marek, Yoo-Seong, Lynn Wiley, Mara, and Paula Carnes.
  3. Naming Exhibit updates-Steve has ordered some books on Japanese names from ILL as there were none in our collection. Joe sent a document on naming with sources, encyclopedias, and charts. Xiaoping has located books and hopes to have his draft sent by the end of the month. Atoma has identified books and is making choices about what to include. Lynne is working on how she will represent naming from an EU perspective.


  1. International Reference-Joe is planning the GA training for the year. There will be more extensive training that will involve subject specialists as well as staff. Joe has consulted with Cherie about citation verification for ILL requests. He is also working on a best practices document that will be open to discussion and input will be welcomed. Joe will also be leading a discussion of what is needed to host future labs and workshops.
  2. Lynne gave a demonstration of the work that has been done so far on the new IAS website. She will forward a link so that others can review and send in any suggestions/corrections. Subject Specialists are asked to send a picture in that represents their areas. It is best if you have taken the picture so there are no copyright issues.