July 11, 2016 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 11, 201610:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Jameatris Rimkus (17), Jessica Moyer (ex officio), Kirsten Feist (16), Lisa Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Susan Avery (ex officio)

Members Absent: Harriett Green (16), Janelle Sander (16), Michelle Dewey (16), Scott Schwartz (17)

Additional Attendees: Jen-Chien Yu (Library Assessment Coordinator), Anna Lapp (Information Literacy GA)


1.      Welcome and Introductions

No introductions were made.

 2.      Agenda Review

Jen’s visit and discussion on the instruction statistics database was added to the agenda.

 3.      Acclamations and Accolades

Susan and Kirsten will present on instruction at CARLI. Kirsten reminded the committee of the Uni High Librarian presentations occurring this week at 11 am on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

 4.      Instruction Statistics Database (Jen)

Jen introduced herself as the Library Assessment Coordinator and stated two goals for her yearly visit with the User Ed Committee: 1) To hear any feedback for instruction and assessment needs and 2) To discuss interest and ideas for the Instruction Statistics Database.

Jessica commented she would like her GAs to be able to login to their own instruction sessions, to which Lisa responded the change would be highly unlikely. Jametrius asked if there could be a possibility to upload a statistics spreadsheet instead. The committee discussed possible interest for a new database be brought up to JoAnn. The Instruction Statistics Database is a homegrown system that would require Library IT to make any significant changes. The committee discussed creating a working group to consider the infrastructure of the data, and that a possible meeting between Sarah, Jen, Beth, and JoAnn could be valuable to discuss the possibility of a new system.

Jen also mentioned the yearly campus-wide surveys. There is no plan as of yet for the upcoming year, but she asked committee members to contact her if there is interest for one.

5.      Updates on the Web Project (Susan)

With Suzanne’s departure, Susan is now the lead for the web project’s content section. Susan projected early Fall for partial completion of the project. Currently, focus is on concisely finishing the top-level pages and entering them into WordPress. Susan commended the work of Jodi and Nicole on the Help pages.

6.      Status of LibGuides Assets Work (Anna)

Anna reported that the LibGuides project to move database links to database assets is still in progress as a a continual project. The project is conducted per unit and individual accounts to create more uniform and direct database access across the guides.

7.      Update on Learning Analytics Project (Lisa)

Jen, JoAnn, and Lisa are conducting the Learning Analytics project along with Martha Kyrillidou who is interviewing campus stakeholders to discuss the library’s role on student learning. An issue arising is that some campus members do not correlate library usage with student learning. Susan commented on the success Minnesota had with this project that allowed them to make collection priorities in line with service priorities. The project includes assessing which data can be applicable to users, including data that could be user-identified but is not.

 8.      Plans for eLearning Specialist Position (Lisa)

Crystal Sheu’s official last day as the eLearning specialist is July 25th. As a stopgap measure for her replacement, Jessica Colbert has been hired as the eLearning GA for the 2016-2017 school year. Funds for the GAship were reallocated from what would have been a User Experience GA for Suzanne Chapman.

A hiring request for a new eLearning specialist will be filled in October. In the meantime, Lisa and JoAnn are discussing assignment for a LibAnswers content editor, and Lisa is meeting with Library IT to assign management of the accounts.

 9.      Discussion – ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

Lisa asked committee members to consider how the committee should add to the Information Literacy Framework for the library. Two years prior, the committee chose to postpone the topic until ACRL made a decision on the standards, which they have since rescinded. Going forward, the committee will choose the level of complexity they’d like to broach the standards with and how it will affect the library.

 10.  Open Discussion/Announcements

Due to the beginning of the school year and the impending appointment of new committee members, the committee agreed to cancel the August meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Anna Lapp