February 6, 2014 Meeting of Area Studies

Time and Location of Meeting

February 6, 2014

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


IAS Staff Meeting

February 6, 2014

Present:  Jan Adamczyk, Atoma Batoma, Shuyong Jiang, Laila Hussen, Lisa Renee Kemplin , Joe Lenkart, Larry Miller, Xiaoping Qi, Mara Thacker, and Steve Witt 


  1. There is progress on getting the TV ordered for IAS. The TV will be installed on the south wall. The hope is to be able to stream video content for users.
  2. New cabinets are being ordered for the reading room, area behind service desk, and in the reference room. The cabinets in the reference room will have doors and will be for visiting researchers.
  3. Sonal will be contacting staff about getting their pictures taken for the bulletin board. Staff will have the option of providing a photo or declining.


  1. The new email for IAS reference will be monitored by Steve Witt and Mara Thacker. They will then forward on to the appropriate subject specialist. You should copy them on your response. When the new IAS reference person is hired, they will take over the monitoring of this account.
  2. IAS will have an International Outreach Committee to help coordinate and implement outreach activities. Part of their role will be to make sure staff have resources needed for their outreach efforts and to make sure credit is given for outreach activities for annual reports. Cindy Ingold has indicated an interest in serving on this committee. Mara has volunteered to be the chair next year. Please contact Steve if you are interested in serving.
  3. Part of the discussion from the Faculty un-retreat was to create International initiatives for the library. Barbara Ford, Tom Teper, and Steve Witt submitted a proposal to the Dean for a working group that will be library wide.
  4. The results of the retreat have not yet been posted as groups are still reviewing notes from the day.
  5. Steve spoke with Michael from CAM and Mary from CMS about better coordination regarding IAS materials. They are both willing to attend a staff meeting to discuss.


  1. The International Reference Librarian search is open until February 7. Steve has not met with EC on proposals for positions. The meeting will be in the next two weeks. The requests for GA positions have been submitted. One of the positions would be shared with other departments.
  2. SRS Summer Lab-Applications have been sent to list serves and various groups in order to get a diverse group of researchers. SRS is preparing for the upcoming visit by maintenance of the reference collection, continuing to work on the microfiche project, and lining up the library orientation for participants. REEEC will be handling the net id’s for the group. SRS is also in the process of editing guides.
  3. Slavic Reference Service has now been trained on I-Wonder chat. This new software will be implemented on February 17. There have been 156 reference inquiries in the months of January and February. Quetzalli is working on a national bibliography for Mexico. A flow chart for the Slavic materials has been distributed. Acknowledgement to all SRS staff on their great work.
  4. The Middle Eastern Summer Research Lab is in the planning stages. The goal is a one day workshop. Laila and Joe will meet to go over the procedures used by SRS.
  5. Lisa Renee shared a brief overview of the 5 Days for Change training sponsored by Student Affairs. A discussion ensued on ways that IAS might participate in culture and diversity training. This discussion will continue to the next staff meeting.
  6. Laila attended ALA and was invited to serve on a committee with other Middle Eastern Librarians. She was also invited to organize an event in ALA (Las Vegas) and attend a Book Fair in the Gulf to meet with local librarians.

To be discussed at the next staff meeting:

  • Culture and Diversity Training for IAS
  • White Paper Report on Acquisitions