February 15, 2023 Meeting of Teaching and Learning Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

February 15, 2023

Agenda Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force
February 15th, 2023


  1. Announcements
  2. Review and finalize first year report
  3. Assessment Subgroup updates
  4. Professional Development subgroup updates
  5. Other

Minutes Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force
February 15th, 2023


  1. Announcements
    1. LibInsight updates continue to proceed.  There will be a beta version of the instruction data entry form(s) available after Spring Break.
  2. Review and finalize first year report
    1. The report is very close to complete.  Matt will take a final pass for editing, and others will comment on any final changes via email.  The report will be posted to libnews.
  3. Assessment Subgroup updates
    1. For year two, the team will address the first two charge items which include identifying metrics and develop a reporting structure for common teaching and learning metrics.
  4. Professional Development subgroup updates
    1. The team will send out the teaching and learning action scenarios to the divisions for feedback, and to see if we missed anything.  The whole task force also discussed connecting the instruction scenarios to assessment metrics as part of the assessment subgroup’s work in year two.
  5. Other