February 14, 2000 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 14, 2000

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Jim Cotter, Lori DuBois, Ruby Jahr, Chris Quinn, Mary Schlembach, Sue Searing – Chair, Dee Shonkwiler, Helen Sullivan, Jane Wiles

Additional Attendees: Julie Veazie (User Education GA)


1. Housekeeping

Discussed clarification in minutes from 1/24/00 meeting regarding GA’s position.

2. Review of Action List

  • Lori DuBois will continue to work on weeding outdated Gen Documents and will send an announcement when an updated list is available on the web. Jim will ask Circ Team to review them also.
  • Beth W. was not at the meeting to discuss the possible program with Deb Gilchrist.
  • Sarah and Lori looked at projector equipment for Undergrad library and User Education Committee which would be compatible with video and computer. Lori said Undergrad Library will probably not get funding for a purchase this year. Sue will send a memo to Bart regarding the need for the equipment in the Undergrad Library and elsewhere to support general user education programming. Lori said it was suggested that vendors do a demonstration at the library when the library is ready to make a purchase.
  • Lori is working on a handout for Academic Universe. The database has been publicized as a link on the Library’s main page.
  • Lori put a notice regarding the availability of the portable instruction unit and the check out procedure on the Lib News listserv.
  • Julie Veazie (GA) will help Helen update the records and interface of the database of print and electronic user ed materials. In order to keep this up to date, the libraries are going to have to update; Helen will devise a web form for this purpose.
  • WIG is continuing to work on the “Learn to Use the Library” page. This group may need some help from other committee members who will check this site and bring ideas to the next meeting.
  • Quick Guide for web interface has been updated by Ruby and Lori.
  • Lori has created a new GEN document comparing Browse and Keyword searches in the online catalog.

3. Announcements

  • Lori announced that workshops begin today. Sign up is moderate. Julie designed a flyer and cards with web site address. They will distribute them around campus later this week.
  • Lori said she met with the Office of Minority Student Affairs regarding a session that will be offered to minority students during orientation in this summer.
  • PAC Team asked The User Ed Committee to suggest a more helpful message to appear when a user searches for a book and all the copies are in use. Mary suggested a prompt which will allow the users to e-mail a message with the important information to someone at the library who would then initiate a recall. Jim will take this suggestion to the Circ Team meeting.

4. Report on ULSAC Meeting

Students recommended reaching them regarding training through their instructors.

Julie checked out the possibility of using Comp II classes as a place to do this training. The main problem is that students often do not take a Comp II class until they are a junior or senior. Also, approximately 150 different courses qualify as Comp II courses.

Another possibility is through Information Competency requirements. Leigh Estabrook and others have been charged by the Provost to study this possibility of credentialing.

5. Assessment for Training and Professional Development

A list of about 30 people have been identified from certain divisions who would be interested in professional development in user education. These people would be invited to attend the program Deb Gilchrist may give. In addition, we need to target the ‘needs assessment’ of these librarians and staff. Beth and others have already brainstormed some ideas for a survey. Sue will contact her. A survey mock-up will be available at the next meeting.

6. Web Maintenance

Parts of the “Learn to Use the Library” web sites which are still under construction may need to be eliminated, and there is useful information which is buried. Lori will get stats regarding use of the sites. Features should be hyped to colleagues so they will use the site and tell their students to use the site.

7. Other Business

There was a discussion of the Director of Library Services and the User Education Coordinator positions. The structure and positions are still unsettled.

Next Meeting Mon, 2/28, the 4th Monday.

During the next meeting we will discuss meeting twice a month or reducing to once a month.