August 27, 2020 Meeting of Library Staff Support Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

August 27, 2020

Agenda Details


LSSC Meeting Agenda 8-27-20

  • Approve July Minutes – approved
  • Nominations for Chair- Rachel Johns
  • Liaison & Committee Reports
  • Proposed work with E.C. – Thoughts and Suggestions
  • Remote/On Site Work Climate Survey?
  • Website update
  • Other Comments and Updates
    • Diversity Committee
    • ALA, etc.
    • Alma Training Committee
    • By-laws

Minutes Details


Attendees for August 27, 2020 zoom meeting

Kim Hutcherson (Administration)
Jan Adamczyk (Area Studies)
Karen Huck (Arts & Humanities)
Kristen Blankenship (Central Public Services)
Michelle Self-Ballard (Central Public Services)
Jessica Sommers (Law)
Erik Chapman (Life Sciences)
Bernadette Braun (Physical Sciences)
Julia Cross (Residential Hall Libraries)
Tony Hynes (Special Collections)
Brian Clark (Technical Services)


Minutes for August 27, 2020 meeting

Approve July Minutes: Approved with no corrections.

Nominations for LSSC Chair:   Rachael Johns has been unanimously nominated.

Liaison Reports and Updates:

Administration:  The COVID-19 Safety training deadline was August 24th.  The COVID-19 testing schedules have been emailed to all employees; Skye sent a libnews email about this on Wednesday.  The position of Assistant Dean of BHRSC, replacing Greg Knott, closes on Friday.

Administrative Council:  Discussed forming the Outreach and Engagement Task Force.  John Wilkin sent libnews email on this August 18.  The safer Illinois app was mentioned and there was an email that went out.  Tracy Tolliver talked zoom, and she recently sent an email.

Area Studies:  Discussed collections and publications, budget, Alma, COVID-19 safety policies.

Arts & Humanities:  The focus was on fulfillment.  In Alma, comment line can include “need print copy” and it will be honored.  You can also share desktop for ones who need microfilm.  Staff can send pdfs for certain requests.  There is a recognition of undue burden on staff.  Therefore, calling on more support, making sure faculty are aware of procedures involved in filling requests.

Central Public Services:  Round of introductions, discussed the locker pickup.

Central Access Services:  Discussed WSA Training, expanding pick up material hours, two staff are WSA checking for locker pickup.

Undergrad:  Opening for pickup loan technology, also Undergrad Library will be opening study spaces soon.  There have been some issues with access into the building due to test results delayed and/or delayed on the app.

Law: Staff on-site two or three days a week. The Law Library is still closed to public.  The meeting room has turned into classroom for social distancing.

Life Sciences:  Did not meet

ACES:  Staff:  devised a schedule working three days a week on-site and working two days remote.  Noticed that a retired staff patron that has I-card but does not have access to e-resources.  The note field in Alma is useful in this case since print is required and can add a note regarding the status that patron cannot receive e-resources.

Physical Sciences and Engineering: No meeting

Grainger:  Opening Sept 14.  All staff going to WSA training.  Book pickups are going well, and GA orientation completed.

Math:  Staff:  working afternoons.  If Math Library open in September, by appointment only.

Residence Hall:  Residence Halls are open.  Patrons are allowed to check out materials on-site, We are seeing how many students moved in and how it goes for the first few weeks before determining the budget, which will let us know if we can purchase new material.  Currently we are not a pick up location for the Main Library, but once units start opening up, an additional pick up location at the Residence Hall could happen.  The Learning Commons has computers and options for patrons to print.

Special Collections:  Discussed issues with opening to patrons, such as I-card access, limited people into the units, and only using east entrance except those with disabilities. The sub-committee reported that the building project is still on-going, just not much news coming out.  Official architecture plans to be completed by next year, re-visit some issues for final version.

RBML:  RBML may not open until October at the earliest.  Staff:  Staff on-site two or three days a week.  GA’s are on-site and some Undergraduates approved to work on-site.

Technical Services:  No meeting

ACS:  Staff:  Continuing with hybrid model of part on-site, part remote cataloging, e-book.

Proposed work with EC:  Almost all LSSC attended

  • Positive outcome
  • Glad that we were invited, giving us a voice
  • Welcomed the opportunity to join other committees in the ranking of the current open and pending positions

Remote/On-Site Work Climate Survey:  Helpful as far as vison goes.  LSSC open to receiving any comments at any time.  Kim Hutcherson sent LSSC the survey that HR sent June 2 and the results August 3rd.  LSSC will review to see if anything needs to be added or addressed for future survey.

LSSC Website:  Kim Hutcherson will update members list.

Upcoming Events

Other news, comments, and updates:

Diversity Committee:  Erik reached out regarding a social distance event, since the event in June had to be cancelled.

ALA:  Question regarding the 2020 ALA winners, are they automatic entry for 2021?  Reached out to BHRSC who was unsure.  We will circle back to this next meeting.

Alma training committee:  Was mentioned for those who are training to help fill in gaps,

By-laws:  Revisions will be sent to committee by email for review and approval.

Comments:  The computer lab on the lower level of the Union is open 8am-10pm