August 25, 2022 Meeting of Student-Focused Spaces Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

August 25, 2022

Agenda Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team

  1. Discuss Studies
    1. PhotoVoice Subgroup
    2. Focus Group Subgroup
  2. Discuss recruiting and timeline
  3. Discuss IRB Needs
  4. Other

Minutes Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team

1. Discuss Studies

PhotoVoice Subgroup

The team reviewed the literature to review recruiting, incentives, and methods. The team would like to do some recruiting in both Fall and Spring. Probably have some incremental award for participation, increasing as students participate in later stages. The first step would be reviewing the procedures and goals, the second one would be taking photographs, the third would be meeting to analyze.  There could be a presentation at the end, with optional participation from participants. However, as humans subject research, we might want to just summarize findings.  Participant action form of research, so the students can help us develop themes and analyze the data they are collecting.  We will probably focus more on a broader sense of belonging, incorporating a variety of campus spaces, not just libraries.

Focus Group Subgroup

The team drafted a series of questions, in three stages. The first asks about how students define a sense of belonging, then asks them to reflect on spaces where they feel like they belong, and finally brings the discussion around to library spaces and identifying how spaces do or do not support the sense of belonging they’ve defined.

2. Discuss recruiting and timeline

  • There is a panel group available from the Library Assessment Committee of students interested in possible studies that we could potentially use to start. We could also use some convenience sampling by recruiting from within individual units.  We could also host virtual focus groups.
  • To sequence, we’ll send the full list of studies, and ask students which studies, including multiple, that they would like to participate in. We could use a similar methodology for recruiting within libraries.  Students can participate in multiple studies, but the team will start by trying to have a balance across methods.

3. Discuss IRB Needs

  • The team decided one IRB might make elements like incentives easier to articulate. Team members have successfully designed multi-stage IRBs in the past. The teams wants to make sure to emphasize the impact of participation and the goals of the study.
  • Action: The team decided to move forward by trying to combine into one IRB, with reps from each subgroup contributing to writing it. Jen will represent the Photovoice team, and Jameatris will represent the Focus Group team.