August 20, 2007 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

August 20, 20071:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


  1. Library Diversity Strategic Plan 
    C. Ingold and E. Love
    20 Minutes
    Outcome: review and understanding of plan; next steps
  2. Call for New Service Models 
    P. Kaufman
    10 minutes
    Outcome: review and understanding of process
  3. FY08 Collections Budget
    See G: Collections Info/Budget/FY08 Budget Final.xls
    T. Teper
    20 minutes
    Outcome: review of allocations spreadsheet
  4. GA Evaluations and FY09 Request Process 
    S. Walter
    15 minutes
    Outcome: review and understanding of both processes
  5. Summary of Faculty Searches Underway 
    S. Walter
    5 minutes
    Outcome: Update
  6. Student Wages
    P. Kaufman
    15 minutes
    Outcome: Decision about reconsidering funding process and allocation
  7. Announcements and Updates
    5 minutes

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair, Tina Chrzastowski, Tony Hynes, Qiang Jin (for Lynn Wiley), Bill Maher, Sue Searing, Mary Stuart, Tom Teper, Scott Walter, David Ward, Karen Wei, Greg Youngen, Visitors: Emily Love, Recording: Kim Matherly


  1. Library Diversity Strategic Plan – Love
  2. Emily came and talked to the committee about the Library Diversity Strategic Plan. The committee has participated in workshops in the cultural centers and is Emily is working with LAMP (LIS Access Midwest Program). Retention of culturally diverse faculty seems to be a problem that needs addressed. Emily will look at promoting what she does in a more holistically. The Diversity and Mulitcultural website has been updated.
  3. Call for New Service Models – KaufmanAnyone can submit a proposal to the Budget + group. The Budget + Group consists of the Budget Group + JoAnn Jacoby and Peggy Glatthaar. EC will also be looking at the proposals and making recommendations to the Budget + group.

    By the end of December there will be a master plan with activities to undertake and a sequence of events that will need to happen. We will take advantage of opportunities as they arise, such as the LIR Library plan that is underway. Proposals are due on September 14. Paula will make a report at the next Faculty meeting.

  4. FY08 Collections Budget – T. Teper 
     G: Collections Info/Budget/FY08 Budget Final.xlsThe approval plan of $50,000 covers prep work. The de-evaluation is based on other currencies.
  5. GA Evaluations and FY09 Request Process – WalterWe need to look at the number of GAs we employ and how they are used in the Library. We also need to be doing GA evaluations and exit interviews. Cindy Kelly, Chris Prom, and Scott Walter have been working on the policy. We need a consistent evaluation strategy across the Library.

    The new process will be implemented with the next group in December 2007.

  6. Summary of Faculty Searches Underway – Walter See Faculty and Academic Professional Positions

    Curator – identified three finalist. Two withdrew. Will be doing interviews this week.

    Digital Resources – Interviews will be later this month. There are three being interviewed.

    GIS Librarian – this position is closed. All candidates withdrew.

    Meta Data – two positions. The review begins on September 4.

    Web Content – Three candidates to interview beginning next week

    AUL for Collections – Recommendation went to the Board of Trustees for their meeting on September 10.

    Special recruitment – Music is looking at a TOP hire. We are also looking at a Faculty Excellence Hire for an Emerging Technologies Librarian. Stage 1 has been approved by the Provost’s office.

    Interim Head for Central Circulation – EC will be reviewing applications on August 27.

  7. Student Wages – KaufmanThe raises for students will cost the Library $225,000. There is currently no standardization of wages. Paula asked the Divisions to share, via libnews, with everyone how they determine how much to pay their students.
  8. Announcements and UpdatesCAMELS is helping out in reserves. Tech Services could make more employee hours available to help during high demand times.