April 28, 2022 Meeting of Student-Focused Spaces Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

April 28, 2022

Agenda Details


  1. Discuss student feedback on spaces from prior and current assessments (in Box)
    1. Consider what feedback contributes to our understanding of welcoming, belonging and student ownership of the space.
    2. Consider what feedback contributes to students choosing the library as a third place/space to go to
  2. 12 UX Methods Review (John)
  3. Update on IRB for Social Media scraping and analysis (Jen)
  4. Literature review discussion (David)
    1. https://uofi.box.com/s/dkj02cgo9azlogleulj5xkqprb05sff6
  5. Other

Minutes Details


  1. Discuss student feedback on spaces from prior and current assessments (in Box)
    1. Consider what feedback contributes to our understanding of welcoming, belonging and student ownership of the space.
    2. Consider what feedback contributes to students choosing the library as a third place/space to go to

The team began a review of prior student feedback, and discussed potential areas to investigate.  We agreed not to ask questions about things we can’t actually change.  Interesting feedback the group noted included: desires for multipurpose/multifunctional spaces; clearly marked spaces for different types of use (e.g. quiet vs loud study); comments about safety and developing a safe environment for students; a variety of suggestions for spaces, including food, coffee, natural light and windows, plants, etc.

2. 12 UX Methods Review (John)

The team discussed the 12 UX methods for space study presented, and compared them to some of the feedback from prior studies.  There was interest in post-tour mapping, as well as observational studies, and the team agreed that multiple methods would be required to gain a full picture of student use of space.

3. Update on IRB for Social Media scraping and analysis (Jen)

We consulted IRB and the “director” of IRB decided that what we are trying to do is “non-human subject research.” So we completed the paperwork for that and is waiting for the final decision on that.

4. Literature review discussion (David)

    1. https://uofi.box.com/s/dkj02cgo9azlogleulj5xkqprb05sff6
    2. The team members will contribute studies which have a methodology, user group focus, or approach which might advance our understanding of how to design our first set of studies.  At the May meeting, we will take turns presenting our studies and discuss potential applications to the task force work.

5. Other