August 22, 2012 Meeting of Content Access Policy & Technology (CAPT)

Time and Location of Meeting

August 22, 20123:30 pm - 5:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


  1. Nomination/Election of Secretary
    1. Background
    2. Discussion of Duties
    3. Nomination/Election
  2. ExLibris Product Implementation
    1. SFX Update
    2. Primo Update and Discussion
  3. Gateway Implementation
    1. Update and Discussion
  4. ArtStor Shared Shelf Update

Minutes Details


  1. Secretary:CAPT all agreed that regular detailed minutes are needed. Lynn Wiley volunteered to take minutes through FY2013. Minutes will be sent as a draft for final approval by all. CAPT then discussed ways to enhance the minutes: Action items will be reviewed at the end of the meetings to be sure the follow-up is clearly outlined including responsible members and deadlines. Members agreed to provide electronic copy for any report given at CAPT. The minutes will align with the agenda. The action steps will be summarized in the minutes.
  2. ExLibris Product Updates
    1. SFX:Beth Sandore Michael Norman reviewed the plan to address SFX hosting over the Fall. Wendy Shelburne leads a working group with Jon Gorman and Ya’Aqov Ziso to address what is needed to move SFX from our local servers to have it hosted at the Vendors site instead. They plan for a September kick off meeting to address all the issues including appropriate timing to implement the change. There is no strict deadline for this though there is an expectation that it will be complete by the end of the FY2013 year.
    2. Primo Implementation:Michael provided a review with Bill Mischo

      Michael noted that the group was still learning the complexities of the system’s backend office. William Weathers was hired as the Visiting Metadata Librarian for Web Scale Discovery and is working on record loads for specialized content such as CONTENTdm. Michael reviewed a brief delay in record loads last week from the local Voyager database. ExLibris was troubleshooting the problems and the loads are expected to resume. About 4 million are in already and the rest have been prepared by CARLI and are ready to go. CAPT reviewed issues around database/indexing size reviewing the size of datasets coming in from IDEALS, CONTENTdm, Voyager SFX and others to come later such as Archon. UIUC may well have 7.5 million records in Primo at the end of the implementation.

      Michael discussed a few specific points about Primo i.e. that our local record loads won’t dedupe Primo Central, how we will still need to point to the Vufind interface and to I-Share and also noted how the Primo loads were set up to map fields from the local database to potentially replicate a “Classic” search experience. Michael and Bill shared points about the problems inherent in blended search results as well as how fields are not consistently formatted (example of Author searches). The committee is also discussing utilizing custom tiles with Easy Search to assist users and when that may be most appropriate. Primo will be a target in Easy Search soon to help all see search results

      CAPT agreed that we needed to get a beta out soon and involve more in education for all library staff and faculty about Primo and also about SFX to best prepare them in understanding web discovery tools and to best assist users in the future. We also need resources to review SFX target and objects to optimize those for Primo.

      CAPT agreed that we needed a comprehensive plan to build some web resources to educate library staff and faculty aka the old DRA stuff sessions AND also resources will needed to resolve problems with PRIMO as identified by users staff and public services. We need to be ready to have more library and faculty staff available to assist users on their questions. A suggestion was made to start with a knowledgebase and FAQ and then sessions to bring staff together to review these resources .

      Action items

      • Michael hopes to have a PRIMO beta version link for all to see in a month from now (by end September 2012)
      • Michael suggested that he and Jenny may begin work on resources needed for educating colleagues (aka stuff sessions)
  3. Gateway Implementation: Robert SlaterRobert showed CAPT the new version at:

    Robert reviewed the layout and a few things left to do that included the background (he reviewed some of the CMS limitations related to the final version decisions). CAPT agreed that this version would be released with the understanding that additional changes could be added as needed. Robert noted he had reviewed content with all stakeholders already. Robert had been working with the Services advisory committee as well as the Web content group so this version has seen a lot of vetting.

    Robert noted he would be adding a link to the top right of the page that would explain the change and would offer users a link to the old version. Robert will also be phasing in unit pages to match this layout through the Fall semester handling those that would snap readily into this new style sheet first and alerting page owners as he progressed as to the changes. The pages that are more difficult to size to match the new style sheet will be handled in the last phase this Fall. Unit names will be added to the header page and each unit page will have a drop down box with links back to main page resources. The Easy Search search box will also be included on each unit main page and that will be configured to search the library website itself to assist in page navigation.

    CAPT discussed the release and what could wait agreeing that the priority was to get this out to commence with the start of classes. CAPT recommended that this be released over the weekend of August 25th. CAPT agreed that incremental change of web pages was a good direction in the future.

    Action items re Gateway:

    • The new Gateway will be released this weekend; All Library faculty and staff will be notified of impending release via Libnews prior to the release: Robert Slater
    • Robert will add a link to the old version and so as to not hold up the release, will later add ways to solicit input from users (Sue Searing will review that text with Robert)
    • Unit pages will be phased in throughout the Fall with the goal to complete them by the end of the semester : Robert Slater
  4. ArtStor Shared Shelf Update
  5. Postponed as meeting ran over

Submitted LW 8/24/2012