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Additional Sources

SSHEL Home > S-Collection Home  > Find Children’s Books > Additional Sources

  • Challenged Books
    Includes a definition of the term “challenged books” as well as links to lists of children’s and young adult books which have been challenged.
  • Awards for Children’s Literature
    Websites and print resources with information about awards given in children’s and young adult literature. Also includes a list of the awards books the S-Collection collects.
  • Poetry & Songs
    Websites and print resources for poetry, songs, and fairy tales materials.
  • Bibliographies of Children’s Literature
    Children’s literature bibliographies online and in print, most by subject, not created by the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library.
  • Storytelling, Booktalking, Plays & Fingerplays
    Storytelling, booktalking and play ideas to use with children literature in the classroom, at the library, or at home.