Main Library Building Celebrates 100 Years
On November 15, 2024, the University Library and the University of Illinois Foundation hosted an event for Library Friends and Foundation Weekend attendees to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Main Library building and the dedication of the Shebik Family Reading Room. The theme was the 1920s; there were dancers and performers in period costumes, vintage cars outside the Main Library’s east entrance, and exhibits from various Library units from the era.
A Piece of History
Time capsule photos by Library Communications staff
Showing Off
To commemorate the past 100 years, several Library units created special exhibits that showed off items from their collections from the 1920s. A huge “thank you” to all the units who participated—you’re the bee’s knees!
- Communications Library: American Consumer Culture in the 1920s: Advertisements from the Communications Library’s D’Arcy Collection
- Digitization: Digitization of Special Collections Materials: Digitizing for Access and Preservation
- Grainger Engineering Library Information Center: From Engineering Hall to Grainger Engineering Library Information Center: Celebrating Early Librarianship
- Illinois History and Lincoln Collections: Local Jewish Community Connections in the 1920s
- Literatures and Languages Library: Spotlight on Harlem Renaissance Literature
- Map Library: The World Reshaped
- Mathematics Library: Mathematics in Your Hands: 3D Mathematical Models
- Music and Performing Arts Library: MPAL Special Collections from Illinois and the 1920s
- Preservation Services: 100 Years of Movie Magic: Preserving the Dawn of the Talkies
- Rare Book & Manuscript Library: 1920s Cinema in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library
- Ricker Library of Architecture and Art: Materiality and Place in the 20s
- Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library: Celebrating Women’s Suffrage from Pre-K to Higher Ed
- Sousa Archives and Center for American Music: The Alcoholic Blues
- Student Life and Culture Archives: A New University Library; Student Life and Culture in the 1920s; Harold Osborn ‘22: Olympic Champion
- University Archives: Landmark Moments of 1924
The Shebik Family Reading Room

The University Library is pleased to announce a $1M matching challenge generously initiated by Megan and Steve. Their gift will double contributions to our effort, supporting the vital renovation of the University Library—a place where the past is preserved, and the future of learning is inspired.
All photos courtesy of UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS/FRED ZWICKY unless otherwise noted