
When to Use

You can use the LibAnswer-based Library’s FAQs when you want to provide more information but not duplicate content. They’re especially useful for “Help” pages.


[faq type_of_id="faq" ids="idValue,idValue2,idValue3"]
To add FAQs to a page:

  1. Start with[faq type_of_id="faq" ids=""]
  2. Type the IDs of the FAQs you want to include between the quotation marks after ids.
    [faq type_of_id="faq" ids="132796,130975,130946"]
  3. Separate each ID with a comma (no spaces). Quotation marks go around the group of IDs, not individual ones.


Find the ID of a Question

  1. Go to LibAnswers and search for questions you would like to use.
  2. The ID of the question is the number at the end of the entry’s URL.
  3. Example: Where can I print, scan, or make copies?
  4. The URL is “” and the ID is “132796”.

[faq type_of_id="faq" ids="132796"]


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