Teaching and Learning Task Force


The Teaching and Learning Task Force is charged with investigating and articulating a strategy and logistical framework for providing an organized, visible, and impactful suite of services supporting faculty and student instruction.  The overarching responsibility of the task force is to identify current practices and corresponding needs for delivering library instruction, with recommendations for how the Library could strengthen networks of instructional support.  This work should include defining the universe of activities covered by Library instruction to be addressed by the group’s efforts.  Outputs from the group should inform both an internal support structure, as well as make recommendations for how the Library can connect to provost and campus-level student learning outcomes and goals, as well as related teaching initiatives.  Findings of the group will be informed by iterative and collaborative feedback, reflecting the broad diversity of instructional support provided throughout the Library.

The task force will serve for 3 years, and deliver yearly and final reports and recommendations to the Library Executive Committee, with information shared for feedback with the administrative position for user services.  Task force outcomes will be organized into specific areas of emphasis for each year, based on priorities the team develops.  In the first year, the task force should investigate the impact of the building project on the provisions of teaching and learning services to undergraduate students.  Additionally, by the end of the first year the task force should assess and prioritize instructional needs, and develop a specific set of outcomes for the final two years of task force activities.

The task force has the following responsibilities, informed by feedback from colleagues in the Library:

  1. Identify metrics and methods to demonstrate how and where Library instruction makes an impact on student teaching and learning;
  2. Coordinate with Library colleagues on developing a comprehensive teaching and learning assessment and reporting program connected to reporting structures of the Library, campus, and profession (e.g. ARL/ACRL);
  3. Identify necessary components of a shared repository/clearinghouse of teaching materials for Library instructors, and develop a plan for maintenance and updating;
  4. Coordinate with Library colleagues to identify needs for a professional development program;
  5. Identify teaching technology support needs, both in the Library and for instructors teaching remotely;
  6. Identify what support is needed to promote the Library’s instructional programming and contributions to student learning to campus partners, including teaching faculty and campus administrators;
  7. Regularly share information about the team’s progress across formal and informal instructional communities of practice, including teaching teams and colleagues working on training and professional development for instruction;
  8. Produce year-end reports documenting progress, updates, and plans for the next year’s activities;
  9. The final report and assessment should make recommendations on how best to sustain coordination, whether vis a standing committee or inclusion of responsibility for coordination of instruction within an administrator’s portfolio.
  10. Inventory needs for policies related to teaching and learning activities, and a develop a communication plan as part of the final report.

The team will work closely with others in the Library working in relevant areas (e.g. Library Assessment and Organizational Development and Training), and may periodically charge sub-teams to work in areas such as assessment, policy development, technology, and professional development.



The Teaching and Learning Task Force meets monthly.


A chair will be appointed by the Library Executive Committee for the duration of the task force.


Minutes of the Teaching and Learning Task Force shall appear on the Library’s website or through other online distribution. The Committee shall also communicate and consult in other ways deemed appropriate.


The committee is composed of individuals from each Library Division whose members are actively involved in teaching and learning. Additional members may be appointed to represent special concerns. Members are nominated by divisions and appointed by EC.

  • Chair/Co-Chairs [appointed by EC from membership]
  • Director of Teaching and Learning [ex-officio]
  • Coordinator of Information Literacy Services [ex-officio]
  • Library IT Representative [ex-officio]
  • Library Assessment Representative [ex-officio]
  • Area Studies
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Central Public Services
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
  • Special Collections
  • Technical Services Division