Acquisitions Budget Information

Acquisitions Budget Information

Fund Transfer Form

State funds: Once the budget is available the Library Business Office inputs the new figures manually.  Any fund input and that includes all fund changes over the course of any fiscal year, are always handled by that office to abide by basic auditing principles. A manual input is necessary as the funds are zeroed out as the fiscal year is closed.

Alma roll choices are to either start with zero funds or to begin with the original allocation and original here means the very first time a fund had any allocation entered. This rule is used instead of the zero rule as no new order can be approved if no funds entered. (See the Acquisition calendar for important order dates). The FOAPAL funds are also updated as needed.

Special funds: The special funds that are not part of the budget allocations are the Illinois Foundation endowed funds, the Library Friends funds, any campus designated library fund and ongoing grant funds.

Fund codes do reflect these.

These funds can often be carried over but most must be refigured as endowed funds made available from any year are based on interest earned on the principal; Friends accounts vary over every year; campus funding is reconfirmed annually. Grants of course are wholly dependent on amounts granted and the terms of the award. The Library Business Office and in particular staff who coordinate grant and contracts know details about the latter. The Library Advancement office will know particulars about endowed and Friend funds. The Office of Collections keeps detailed information about the names, amounts and intent of those donations.  Fund managers must understand those conditions and terms and use those funds accordingly.

Approval Plan Funds: The approval slip plan and subsequent orders made by the fund managers is funded by a central pool of money managed by Acquisitions. This fund covers the technical infrastructure pieces that support the plan (GOBI fees and GOBI record imports) as well as cost of an order (discount is provided per title based on the contract with YBP) as well as shipping and handling.

The pool is allocated annually based on previous year expenditures and publishing output. April 1 every year, unspent approval allocations may be reallocated to a fund that requires more support that year. The name of the central fund is pbad0.

Fund managers may transfer state allocations into this fund during the acquisitions year and often do so to cover their slip matches as needed. The calendar year for approval slip ordering is longer as those are funded centrally and do not require separate title invoicing to clear each allocated fund. Information on fund allocations, balances, title details and transfers is available at: G:\Collections Info\Approval plan info.