Approval Plan and Blanket Orders

Approval Plans

Domestic North American (includes most UK publishers as well)

  • YBP with GOBI interface

European or EBO Plans

  • Harrassowitz
  • Casalini
  • Amalivre

Latin American or LABO Plans

  • Susanne Bach (Brazil)
  • Herta Berenguer (Chile)
  • Books from Mexico (Mexico)
  • García Cambeiro (Argentina)
  • E. Iturriaga y Cía. (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador)
  • Libros Centroamericanos (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras)
  • Libros de Barlovento (Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico)
  • Luis Retta Libros (Colombia, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela)

Slavic or SLAVBO Plans

  • East View Services (Russian regions, Ukraine)
  • Batthyany Kultur-Press Kft (Hungary)
  • Kubon & Sagner Inc (South Slavic)
  • “Lexicon” Maciej Wolinski (Poland)
  • MIPP International (Central Asia, Caucasus, Baltic, Belarus, Moldova, Slavic languages and literatures)
  • Natasha Kozmenko Booksellers (Russia)
  • National Szechenyi Library (Hungary)
  • Russia Online, Inc. (Czech Republic, Slovakia)


These cover Asia, the Middle East (several vendors), special formats such as music CDs, and also the Library of Congress Field Office Plans (India, Africa, Pakistan. Brazil and Egypt).


Approval plans and blanket orders are methods of acquiring library materials whereby a vendor selects material for us based upon a profile provided by the Library.  With our international blanket orders, the vendor ships materials to the Library, often weekly but at least monthly. Any material that the Library does not want can be returned to the vendor but due to high shipping fees, this is not done very often.  Instead we adjust the profile with the vendor.

The domestic approval plan is almost completely a virtual slip plan though autoships are done for small subjects and are set up at the discretion of that subject’s bibliographer. Substantial discounts are offered by the domestic vendor along with a number of enhanced services that allow us to maximize resources in Illinois and to complete the work with a minimum of redundant workflow processes. The profiles are under continuous review and may be found in the Library shared drive which is only accessible to appropriate staff and at: G:\Collections Info\Approval Plan -YBP\YBP profiles and publisher lists.

Data on the domestic annual allocations, annual spending and details on titles by fund and location are available to appropriate staff at G:\Collections Info\Approval plan info  with the older data in a folder accessible at the same folder.

Blanket Orders in Acquisitions refer to standing orders for materials that come direct from various vendors or agencies worldwide. The vendor works with booksellers and distributors to collect together the titles that match to a very specific profile managed by a bibliographer. Profiles are by region and subject and are capped as far as annual expends as decided by a bibliographer. Bibliographers must work with vendors to avoid duplication and to identify any subscription for a monographic series that may be sent from another source.

Blanket orders often have specific staff assigned to them. Staff handle the invoicing and monitor all the payments to be sure the plan is within budget per vendor. Staff work with bibliographers on content and series in order to adapt a profile. The Library of Congress Field plans are prepaid and require a long lead time for changes. They are due in the early fall of every new fiscal year.

These are renewed annually. Contact Amy Fry to set up any new blanket order.

GOBI Approval Plan (Slip) Orders

Go to and login.  The account code is 5232.
Set your preferences (only the first time) by clicking on Options and then My Preferences.

For Slip Orders:

  • Search for new notifications: Click the Search link at the top of the screen. Click Slips. For the Slip Date, enter the dates for which you wish to view slips. In the Fund Code box, click your fund code(s). Press Enter or click the Search button at top of the screen.
  • Review the retrieved slips. At the top of the screen, you will see the number of titles retrieved, an estimated list price and net price. Mark items you would like to receive by clicking on the margin to the left of the title. When you are done marking all items, click Add to cart. Click Select cart.
  • Adding order details: Click Select Cart. Mark your titles. Click Enter Order Details at the top of the screen. Click the down-arrow next to Please choose template. There will usually be an approval template and a firm order template for each fund you manage. Click Save. You should now see a green light next to the title, meaning that it is ready to be submitted. Repeat the same above steps for each item in your cart. Once you have set order details for all of the titles in your cart, click Submit all Green Lights.

Contact Stephanie Baker for questions about GOBI approval plan orders.