Use standard formatting for numbers, phone numbers, dates, and times.
Use numerals and ordinals. Spell out numbers when at the beginning of a sentence.
- Three services are available…
- Professor Chapman is the 1st UX Librarian at U of I Library.
- Spell out the numbers one through nine and use numerals for 10 and up.
Use standard formatting for phone numbers.
- Yes: (217) 333-2290
- No: 217.333.2290
Use standard formatting for dates and times.
Spell out days of the week and months:
- Monday, April 18, 2016
- April 18, 2016
- April 2016
- 2016
Don’t use abbreviated date formats:
- No: 4/18/16
Include a.m. and p.m.:
- 7:30 a.m.
- Delete the 00 if the time is on the hour. 5 p.m. NOT 5:00 p.m.