Slavic Reference Service


What We Do

Are you in the early stages of dissertation research and unsure of where to begin? Do you need help with locating items, conducting a literature review, or identifying collections of materials for your research? Do you need additional support for a manuscript in process? The Slavic Reference Service is here to help! The SRS handles bibliographic and reference questions in all subject areas connected to Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Our services are free and open to all scholars year round.

Our specific purview involves the following consultation-based activities:

Questions and/or queries for us? Please send an email at 

What We Don’t Do

Finally, it is important to understand what services the SRS does not provide before scheduling a research consultation with a member of our staff. The SRS does not…  

  • Charge a fee for its services.  
  • Act as a document delivery service.  Should you need a copy of some material from our collection that falls outside of what we offer for our duplication service, you will be directed to our InterLibrary Loan Department.  
  • Obtain archival materials and the full text of dissertations. 
  • Recommend particular books on a topic. As we are all reference librarians, we are not qualified to suggest a specific text over another within any given subject area.  
  • Supply genealogical information.  
  • Advise on copyright related issues. 

Feel free to reach out to a member of our staff if you have additional questions about what services we offer.

Publishing Consultation Service

Publishing a first article or monograph can be a daunting task. Where should I submit? How do I choose a publisher? How long does the process take? How does blind peer review work?

The Slavic Reference Service is here to offer support and guidance through the publishing process for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career scholars. Our new Publishing Consultation Service is available to Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies scholars year-round.

We can help with the following:

  • Identifying potential journals and publishers that are a good fit for your specific topic
  • One-on-one assistance with the peer review process
  • Offering tips and suggestions on transliteration systems and formatting references
  • Providing guidance on incorporating feedback from reviewers