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Collection and Curation

Publication analysis

About the publication

TitleCollection and Curation (renamed in 2018 from Collection Building)

ISSN: 2514-9326 (Print) and 2514-9334 (Online)1


Purpose, objective, or mission: Per the publication website, “Collection and Curation provides well-researched and authoritative information on the rapidly-changing conceptions of what collection development is in libraries, archives, museums and galleries.”2

Target audience: Academics and professionals concerned with collection development in libraries, museums, archives, and galleries. 3

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited4

Peer reviewed? Yes5

Type: LIS scholarly6

Medium: Print and online7

Content: Topics of study include but are not limited to the collection and management of files, data, and artifacts in academic, special, and public libraries; the assessment of those collections; development of and public engagement with collections; and the appropriate use of space in libraries.8

Frequency of publication: Quarterly.9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelinesAuthor Guidelines

Types of contributions accepted: The journal publishes research papers, opinion pieces, technical product reviews, conceptual papers, case studies, literature reviews, and general reviews of a more instructional nature. Most articles are between 1,000 and 3,000 words in length.10

Submission and review process: Submissions are made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, an online submission and peer review system. To help authors ensure their submissions are complete, Emerald Publishing offers an Article Submission Checklist.11 Once a submission is deemed suitable for publication by the editor, it is “sent to at least one independent referee for double blind peer review. Conference reports and columns are not subject to a formal review procedure.”12

Editorial tone: Articles are written in a highly professional and academic style. The journal publishes articles that are “well-researched and authoritative.”13

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Collection and Curation is a peer-reviewed, authoritative research journal. As the journal covers practical and academic issues, it is a suitable venue for both LIS professionals’ views on current trends in the field and library school students’ research in collection development and curation.

Collection and Curation does not list abstracting or indexing data.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: No circulation information is available.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Language of text is English.14 This journal reaches a worldwide audience, with an editorial team based in Australia, Greece, the United Kingdom, India, Canada, and the United States, 15

Reader characteristics: Readers of this journal are information professionals and academics who share an interest in collection development, curation, and management.16

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: While the focus of this journal is generally on LIS subjects and topics, since broadening its scope in 2018 to include a curation aspect, the journal now includes non-LIS specific content that those in museums and galleries will find helpful. Looking at recent issues shows a broad scope, including traditional LIS subjects such as collection development, but also discussions on European women photographers and Mexican photojournalism. Therefore deep knowledge of LIS subject matter would be helpful, but not required.17

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Readers will have a high level of knowledge of LIS issues and a practical need of collection assessment tools and advice. The prospective author should remember the specialized needs of the audience and the expectation of well-researched, high-quality writing.

Last updated: May 11, 2020


  1. Collection Building, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/search/91750902
  2. “Journal Description” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f
  3. “Journal Description” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f
  4. Collection and Curation, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1589232919039/84310
  5. Collection and Curation, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11. 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1589232919039/84310
  6. Collection and Curation, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1589232919039/84310
  7. “Purchase and Trial Options” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/purchase-trial-options?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f
  8. “Aims and Scope” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#aims-and-scope
  9. Collection and Curation, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1589232919039/84310
  10. “Author Guidelines,” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#author-guidelines
  11. “Article Submission Checklist,” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=cb
  12. “Author Guidelines,” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#author-guidelines
  13. “Journal Description” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335fStyle guide used: A comprehensive house style guide is provided on the journal website. References should be written in Harvard style.[14. “Author Guidelines,” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020,  https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#author-guidelines
  14. Collection and Curation, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 11, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1589232919039/84310
  15. “Editorial Team,” https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#editorial-team
  16. “Journal Information” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cc?distinct_id=171bc7601323e4-022933398951d1-396d7507-13c680-171bc76013335f#aims-and-scope
  17. “Collection and Curation” Emerald Publishing, accessed May 11, 2020, https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2514-9326