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Locating Information

There’s something so fundamental that we can’t just skip over it. How should you even find this information in the first place?


library_of_congress_usa_card_catalogThe best way to find books at the U of I is to search in the library catalog. If you’re looking for articles or databases, the Online Journals and Databases is the place to go. This will list all of the online journals and databases that you have access to at the U of I. If you can’t find the article online, try doing a search in the library catalog – print does still exist, you know.


What if you can’t find a book or article that seems helpful, or what if you’re looking for a specific book that the University of Illinois doesn’t seem to have? The U of I is part of the I-Share system, which is a group of libraries throughout Illinois that agree to loan books to each other. If you can’t find a book at UIUC, try changing the dropdown that says “Local Catalog Only” to “All I-Share Libraries” and repeating your search. Odds are pretty good you’ll find it somewhere!

Interlibrary Loan

If you just can’t find it at the U of I or in I-Share, you can request articles and books through Interlibrary Loan, a huge conglomeration of libraries that send each other books and articles for the benefit of their patrons.


You’ve heard it and ignored it a hundred times, but be careful with web searching. The web is generally not a very reliable source of information, because there’s no one checking to make sure it’s accurate.

Did you know?

Did you know that the average person swallows eight spiders per year while sleeping? Did you know that this statistic is a complete fabrication? Somebody made it up to prove how gullible people are on the internet… and people on the internet apparently didn’t catch on.

I’ve found a useful book/article/whatever. Now how do I find others just like it?

One of the most useful ways of tracking down further sources of information is to use citations. As you read a book (or article), take note of the citations that are pertinent to your topic. These citations will not only provide you with other resources that may be of help, but they also provide all the information you need to track them down!