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Title: Clarendon Enterprise

Alternate Title: The Clarendon Enterprise; The Clarendon News & The Donley County Leader
City: Clarendon, Texas  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Google News Archive  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 2006 – 2009
Detailed Dates:   Jan 6, 2006; Feb 11, 2006; Mar 8, 2006; Mar 23-Apr 27, 2006; May 10-25, 2006; Jun 15, 2006; Jun 29-Jul 27, 2006; Aug 10-31, 2006; Sep 11-28, 2006; Oct 19-26, 2006; Nov 16, 2006-Jan 4, 2007; Jan 18-25, 2007; Feb 8-Mar 5, 2007; Mar 29-Apr 26, 2007; May 17-31, 2007; Jun 12-21, 2007; Jul 6, 2007; Jul 19-26, 2007; Aug 11, 2007; Aug 23, 2007; Sep 6-20, 2007; Oct 18-Nov 15, 2007; Nov 29-Dec 20, 2007; Jan 10-Mar 1, 2008; Mar 13, 2008; Jun 3, 2008; Oct 1, 2008; Dec 11-18, 20018; Jan 1-8, 2009; Jan 22-Feb 12, 2019; Feb 26, 2009; Mar 12, 2009; Mar 26, 2009; Apr 16-May 7, 2009; May 21, 2009; Jun 4, 2009.
Web Link: Freely available online.

Format: Online   
Notes: This issue of the paper is listed under the Delhi Express.
Online Collection: Google News Archive  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 2006 – 2006
Detailed Dates:   Mar 16, 2006.
Web Link: Freely available online.

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