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Title: Macomb Weekly Journal (Macomb, Ill. : 1861)

Alternate Title: Macomb Journal
City: Macomb, Illinois  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Notes: As: Macomb Weekly Journal (1861-1865)
Macomb Journal (1865-19??).
Continues: Military Tract Journal (Macomb, Ill. : 1860).

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Marshall Public Library Digital Archives  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1866 – 1890
Detailed Dates:   Apr 13, 1866; Apr 19, 1867; Apr 13, 1876; Apr 19, 1877; Apr 15, 1880; Apr 14, 1881; Apr 13, 1882; and Apr 10, 1890.

Format: Online   
Online Collection: Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1861 – 1909
Detailed Dates: Jul 12, 1861 – Dec 30, 1909  
Web Link: Freely available online.

Format: Online   
Online Collection: McDonough County Genealogical Society Digital Archives  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1865 – 1878
Detailed Dates: Jul 12, 1861 – Jun 23, 1865  
Jun 30, 1865 – Jan 31, 1878  

Format: Microfilm   
Location: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Record for reference purposes only. ALPL no longer lends microfilm through Interlibrary Loan.
Summary Dates: 1861 – 1894
Detailed Dates:   1861:7:12-9:6,20-12:6,20-27, 1862:1:3-9:5,19-10:17,31, 11:21-12:5,26, 1863:1:30-6:5,19-8:28, 9:18-10:9,30, 11:13-12:11,25, 1864:1:1-8,29-5:13,27, 6:17-10:28, 11:18-12:9,23-30, 1865:1:6-13,27, 2:17-3:3,31-5:5,19-6:9,23, 1865:6:30-11:3,17, 1866:4:13, 1867:4:19, 10:25-12:27, 1868:1:3-5:8,22-8:21, 9:18-1869:12:31, 1870:1:7-8:11,26-10:14, 11:4-12:23, 1871:1:6-3:31, 4:14-11:24, 12:15-22, 1872:1:5-9:19, 10:3-12:26, 1873:1:2-10:9,23-12:18, 1874:1:1-2:5,19-1877:12:13, 1878:1:3-10,24-31, 2:7-9:12, 10:17-1879:12:25, 1880:1:1-2:5, 4:15, 1881:1:6-1882:12:21, 1883:1:4-1889:12:26, 1890:1:16-12:18, 1891:1:1-1894:12:27.

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.7342M173
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Notes: Preservation microfilmed by UIUC Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program. Incomplete holdings, some issues are missing. 1865:Jun.3 - 1868:Dec.25 filmed with: Macomb weekly journal.
Collection: USNP Microfilm
Summary Dates: 1865 – 1909
Detailed Dates: Jun 30, 1865 – Dec 30, 1909  Lacks: Nov 1865 through Oct 1867.

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.7342M173
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Notes: Preservation microfilmed by UIUC Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program. Incomplete holdings, some issues are missing.
Collection: USNP Microfilm
Summary Dates: 1861 – 1865
Detailed Dates: Jul 12, 1861 – Jun 23, 1865  

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