Newspaper Database Search Result

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Title: Broadlands News (Broadlands, Ill.)

Alternate Title: 
City: Broadlands, Illinois  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Notes: Merged with: Philo Booster (Philo, Ill. : 1963), and: Sidney Times (Sidney, Ill. : 1905), to form: Southern Champaign County Today (Villa Grove, Ill. : 1972).

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Byron Public Library District  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1963 – 1963
Detailed Dates:   Apr 5, 1963.

Format: Online   
Online Collection: Homer Historical Society Newspapers  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1927 – 1948
Detailed Dates: Oct 7, 1927 – Dec 23, 1948  
Web Link: Freely available online.

Format: Online   
Notes: Filed under: Villa Grove - Southern Champaign County Today.
Online Collection: UIUC  [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]
Summary Dates: 1942 – 1963
Detailed Dates:   [Aug 6 or 13?, 1942]; and Apr 5, 1963.

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.7366B78BN
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1942 – 1942
Detailed Dates: Aug 6, 1942  

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