Research and Investigation Time Policy Task Force


In January 2021, the Executive Committee accepted the Task Force for Research Support Final Report. Among the findings of the report were a need for “[b]etter equity, access, and shared understandings about research time availability and flexibility that also respects need for unit activities and commitments” for faculty and a need to “Clarify what is meant by ‘investigation time’ for APs.” These findings led to a key recommendation to “[d]evelop research time policies.” The EC discussion of this item led to a recommendation to form a new task force looking specifically at research and investigation time policies, including a review of existing policies, identification of gaps, and creating new policies.


The task force will follow up on the recommendations of the Task Force for Research Support Final Report related to development of research time policies. Specifically, the task force will:

  1. Inventory existing policies or other library documentation related to research time and investigation time;
  2. Identify gaps in information needed but not represented in the data of the previous task force and gather further feedback from stakeholder groups to address those gaps;
  3. Identify gaps in and revisions to existing policy based on the inventory, information gathered by the Task Force for Research Support, and further feedback gathered from stakeholder groups;
  4. Recommend updated or new policy language to the Executive Committee for approval.


  • By mid-May 2021: Create draft policies for broader circulation and feedback.
  • By end of June 2021: Complete solicitation of feedback.
  • By end of July 2021: Submit final report with recommendations to EC.

Membership Details

The task force will comprise three members of the Executive Committee (as the policy making body representing library faculty) and three academic professionals.