Illinois Newspaper Project

Illinois Newspaper Directory Search

Illinois Newspaper Directory Participant Locator: Results

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Participant Information

Location NameIllinois Digital Newspaper Collections (Champaign County)
Street Address246 Main Library
Street Address 21408 W. Gregory Dr.
City/State/ZIPUrbana, IL 61801
Phone(217) 333-1509
Fax(217) 333-2214
NotesFreely available collection of digitized newspapers and trade journals.


Displaying 240 record(s)

Title Place of Publication Published Dates
Abendblatt (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1894 – 1899
Abendblatt der Illinois Staats-zeitung Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1891 – 1894
Advertiser (Collinsville, Ill.) Collinsville, IL (Madison County) 1911 – 19uu
Albion journal (Albion, Ill. : Weekly) Albion, IL (Edwards County) 18uu – 19uu
Aledo press Aledo, IL (Mercer County) 1894 – 1896
Alton telegraph (Alton, Ill. : 1851) Alton, IL (Madison County) 1851 – 1852
Alton telegraph and Democratic review Alton, IL (Madison County) 1841 – 1850
Alton weekly courier Alton, IL (Madison County) 1852 – 1861
American eagle (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 18uu – 1uuu
American issue (Illinois ed.) Westerville, OH (Franklin County) 1912 – 19uu
American stockman (Chicago, Ill. : Weekly) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1879 – 1883
Amerikos Lietuva Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1914 – 19uu
Argus (Rock Island, Ill.) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1885 – 1886
Arsenal record Rock Island Arsenal, IL (Rock Island County) 1918 – 19uu
Arsenal target Rock Island Arsenal, IL (Rock Island County) 1964 – 1968
Ashley news (Ashley, Ill.) Ashley, IL (Washington County) 1955 – 2017
Ashton gazette Ashton, IL (Lee County) 1895 – 9999
Ashton press Ashton, IL (Lee County) 1889 – 1889
Ava citizen Ava, IL (Jackson County) 1uuu – 19uu
Banker-farmer Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1913 – 1927
Berkshire world and cornbelt stockman Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1909 – 1926
Better farming Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1913 – 1925
Blue Mound leader Blue Mound, IL (Macon County) 188u – 9999
Bowen chronicle (Bowen, Ill. : 1900) Bowen, IL (Hancock County) 1900 – 1972
Bridgeport news (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1939 – 9999
Broad ax (Salt Lake City, Utah : 1895) Salt Lake City, UT (Salt Lake County) 1895 – 19uu
Bureau County Democrat (Spring Valley, Ill.) Spring Valley, IL (Bureau County) 19uu – uuuu
Bureau County tribune Princeton, IL (Bureau County) 1872 – 19uu
Cairo bulletin (Cairo, Ill. : 1904) Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1uuu – 1928
Cairo bulletin (Cairo, Ill. : Daily) Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1872 – 1878
Cairo daily bulletin Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1870 – 1872
Cairo evening bulletin Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1868 – 1870
Cairo evening times Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1865 – 1866
Cairo herald (Cairo, Ill.) Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1915 – 1919
Champaign County news Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1891 – 19uu
Champaign daily news Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1895 – 1919
Chicago daily Calumet Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1957 – 1965
Chicago eagle Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1889 – 19uu
Chicago examiner Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1903 – 1918
Chicago Illinois idea Chicago, IL (Cook County) 19uu – 19uu
Chicago Jewish post & opinion Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1966 – 9999
Chicago live stock world Union Stock Yards, IL (Cook County) 1900 – 1917
Chicago packer Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1904 – 1984
Chicago reflector Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1896 – 1uuu
Chicago star (Chicago, Ill. : 1946) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1946 – 19uu
Chicago whip Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1919 – 19uu
Chicago world (Chicago, Ill. : 1918) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1918 – uuuu
Chillicothe independent (Chillicothe, Ill. : 1881) Chillicothe, IL (Peoria County) 18uu – 1uuu
Collyer's eye Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1915 – 1929
Daily Argus (Rock Island, Ill.) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1873 – 1877
Daily Cairo bulletin Cairo, IL (Alexander County) 1878 – 1uuu
Daily evening Jeffersonian Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1847 – 1851
Daily Illini Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1907 – 9999
Daily Illinois State journal (Springfield, Ill. : 1855) Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1855 – 1859
Daily morning Jeffersonian Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1851 – 1852
Daily national hotel reporter Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1872 – 1932
Daily national live stock reporter National Stock Yards, IL (Saint Clair County) 1uuu – 1924
Daily pantagraph (Bloomington, Ill. : 1891) Bloomington, IL (McLean County) 1891 – 1985
Daily worker (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1924 – 1958
Daughter of temperance Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1850 – 18uu
Day book (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1911 – 1917
De Kalb chronicle (De Kalb, Ill. : Semiweekly) DeKalb, IL (De Kalb County) 1885 – 1895
De Pue leader De Pue, IL (Bureau County) 1916 – 1948
Deer Creek progress (Deer Creek, Ill.) Deer Creek, IL (Tazewell County) 18uu – 19uu
DeKalb daily chronicle (De Kalb, Ill.) De Kalb, IL (De Kalb County) 1909 – 1970
Democratic plaindealer (Naperville, Ill.) Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1850 – 18uu
Draugas (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1917 – 9999
Du Page County observer Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1851 – 18uu
Du Page County press Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1864 – 18uu
Du Page County recorder Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1850 – 1850
Dundee weekly Dundee, IL (Kane County) 18uu – 1872
Dziennik Chicagoski Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1890 – 1971
Dziennik narodowy Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1899 – 1923
Dziennik zwiazkowy Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1908 – 9999
Edwardsville spectator (Edwardsville, Ill. : 1819) Edwardsville, IL (Madison County) 1819 – 1826
Eintracht = Harmony Skokie, IL (Cook County) 1923 – 9999
Evening Argus (Rock Island, Ill.) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1861 – 1871
Evening courier (Urbana, Ill.) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1934 – 1946
Evening gazette (Monmouth, Ill. : 1883) Monmouth, IL (Warren County) 1883 – 1uuu
Express (Tallula, Ill.) Tallula, IL (Menard County) 18uu – 1897
Farm home Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 18uu – 19uu
Farm press Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1906 – 1913
Farm, field and fireside (Chicago, Ill. : 1892) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1892 – 1906
Farm, field and fireside (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 188u – 1884
Farm, field and stockman Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1885 – 1892
Farm, field and stockman Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1885 – 189u
Farmers' gazette (Sterling, Ill.) Sterling, IL (Whiteside County) 1883 – 18uu
Farmers' review Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1877 – 1918
Farmers voice Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1887 – 1913
Farmers' weekly review Joliet, IL (Will County) 19uu – 9999
Ford County journal (Paxton, Ill. : 1859) Paxton, IL (Ford County) 1859 – 18uu
Forum (Springfield, Ill.) Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1904 – 192u
Franklin reporter (Franklin Grove, Ill.) Franklin Grove, IL (Lee County) 1870 – 19uu
Free trader-journal (Ottawa, Ill.) Ottawa, IL (La Salle County) 1916 – 1920
Free trader-journal and Ottawa fair dealer Ottawa, IL (La Salle County) 1920 – 1927
Free west (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1853 – 1855
Galena advertiser Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1829 – 1830
Galena advertiser (Galena, Ill. : 1929) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1929 – 195u
Galena daily advertiser Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1848 – 1864
Galena daily courier Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1856 – 1861
Galena daily gazette (Galena, Ill. : 1873) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1873 – 1953
Galena daily Jeffersonian Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1852 – 18uu
Galena evening gazette Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1868 – 1873
Galena industrial press Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1882 – 1885
Galena press Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1886 – 1890
Galena semi-weekly advertiser Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1845 – 1848
Galena tribune (Galena, Ill. : 1905) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1905 – 1906
Galena tribune (Galena, Ill.) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1905 – 1906
Galenian (Galena, Ill. : 1832) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1832 – 183u
Gallatin Democrat (Old Shawneetown, Ill.) Shawneetown, IL (Gallatin County) 188u – 9999
Genoa Republican (Genoa, Ill. : 1919) Genoa, IL (De Kalb County) 1919 – 1970
Glas svobode Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1902 – 1931
Glos polek (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1902 – 9999
Goreville record Goreville, IL (Johnson County) 1905 – 1913
Great Lakes bulletin (Great Lakes, Ill.) Great Lakes, IL (Lake County) 1918 – 9999
Henry Republican Henry, IL (Marshall County) 1869 – 1921
Herrin semi-weekly herald Herrin, IL (Williamson County) 1924 – 19uu
Hillel bulletin Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1924 – 1929
Hillel post Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1929 – 19uu
Hillsboro journal (Hillsboro, Ill. : 1886) Hillsboro, IL (Montgomery County) 18uu – 2004
Hlasatel (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1891 – 198u
Hutsonville herald Hutsonville, IL (Crawford County) 1891 – 1981
Hyde Park news (Hyde Park, Ill.) Hyde Park, IL (Cook County) 1872 – 1889
Illini Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1874 – 1907
Illinois daily journal Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1848 – 1855
Illinois daily state journal (Springfield, Ill. : 1860) Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1860 – 1869
Illinois farmer Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 18uu – 18uu
Illinois fiery cross Chicago, IL (Cook County) 192u – 1924
Illinois free trader Ottawa, IL (La Salle County) 1840 – 1841
Illinois free trader and LaSalle County commercial advertiser Ottawa, IL (La Salle County) 1841 – 1843
Illinois issue Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1906 – 1912
Illinois journal (Springfield, Ill. : 1847) Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1847 – 1850
Illinois Staats-zeitung (Chicago, Ill. : 1862 : Daily) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1862 – 1922
Illinois Staats-zeitung (Chicago, Ill. : Weekly) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1848 – 1922
Illinois standard Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1948 – 1949
Illinois star Galesburg, IL (Knox County) 1935 – uuuu
Illinois times (Champaign, Ill.) Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 19uu – 19uu
Industrial press (Galena, Ill.) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1874 – 1882
Industry press (Industry, Ill.) Industry, IL (McDonough County) 1916 – 19uu
Irish republic (Chicago, Ill. : 1867) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1867 – 18uu
Jewish advance Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1878 – 1uuu
Juliet signal Juliet, IL (Will County) 1844 – 1uuu
Katalikas Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1899 – 19uu
Lacon home journal (Lacon, Ill. : 1866) Lacon, IL (Marshall County) 1866 – 9999
Lawrence County news (Lawrenceville, Ill.) Lawrenceville, IL (Lawrence County) 1895 – 9999
Lee County farm news Amboy, IL (Lee County) 1922 – 192u
Lietuva (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1892 – 1920
Local record (Old Shawneetown, Ill.) Shawneetown, IL (Gallatin County) 1877 – 1906
Loves Park post Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 1947 – 1951
Loves Park post Machesney Park pilot Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 1983 – 1989
Loves Park-Machesney Park post Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 1981 – 1983
Loves Park-North Park post Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 1979 – 1981
Macomb daily by-stander Macomb, IL (McDonough County) 19uu – 1925
Macomb journal (Macomb, Ill. : 1865) Macomb, IL (McDonough County) 1865 – 19uu
Marion semi-weekly leader Marion, IL (Williamson County) 1uuu – 19uu
Mason City journal Mason City, IL (Mason County) 1871 – 1uuu
Merchants telegram Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1916 – 1924
Metropolis weekly gazette Metropolis, IL (Massac County) 1uuu – 19uu
Metropolitan news (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1935 – 19uu
Miners' journal (Galena, Ill. : 1828) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1828 – 1832
Monday morning mail Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 1951 – 19uu
Monmouth daily atlas Monmouth, IL (Warren County) 1uuu – 19uu
Montgomery Democrat (Litchfield, Ill.) Litchfield, IL (Montgomery County) 1875 – 188u
Naperville clarion Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 18uu – 1969
Naperville herald Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1900 – 19uu
Naperville newsletter Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1857 – 18uu
Naperville sentinel Naperville, IL (DuPage County) 1858 – 18uu
National Jewish post and opinion (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 19uu – 1966
National news (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1915 – 19uu
National prohibitionist (Chicago, Ill. : 1907) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1907 – 1911
National rural and family magazine Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1898 – 19uu
News-herald (Hyde Park, Ill. : 1889) Hyde Park, IL (Cook County) 1889 – 191u
North Western gazette & Galena advertiser (Galena, Ill. : Weekly) Galena, IL (Jo Daviess County) 1834 – 1845
Old soldier (Springfield, Ill.) Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1840 – 1840
Ottawa free trader Ottawa, IL (La Salle County) 1843 – 1916
Patoka register Patoka, IL (Marion County) 1907 – 1974
Prairie Farmer Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1841 – 20uu
Proletarec Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1906 – 19uu
Prospectus (Champaign, Ill.) Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 1966 – 9999
Quill (La Harpe, Ill.) La Harpe, IL (Hancock County) 1892 – 1973
Rassvet (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1926 – 19uu
Republican-atlas (Monmouth, Ill.) Monmouth, IL (Warren County) 1895 – 1913
Reynolds press Reynolds, IL (Rock Island County) 1896 – 1963
Robbins eagle Robbins, IL (Cook County) 1951 – 1963
Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, Ill. : 1871) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1871 – 1872
Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, Ill. : 1877) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1877 – 1885
Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, Ill. : 1893) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1893 – 1920
Rock Island Argus and daily union Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1920 – 1923
Rock Island daily Argus (Rock Island, Ill. : 1872) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1872 – 1873
Rock Island daily Argus (Rock Island, Ill. : 1886) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1886 – 1893
Russkii vestnik (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1923 – 1926
Russkii vestnik i rassvet Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1926 – 1926
Sangamon journal Springfield, IL (Sangamon County) 1831 – 1847
Saturday blade (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1887 – 19uu
Sidell journal Sidell, IL (Vermilion County) 1uuu – 1991
Sidell reporter (Sidell, Ill. : 1890) Sidell, IL (Vermilion County) 1888 – 1uuu
Sidell reporter (Sidell, Ill. : 1991) Sidell, IL (Vermilion County) 1991 – 9999
Sidney times Sidney, IL (Champaign County) 1905 – 1972
St. Anne record (Saint Anne, Ill. : 1889) St. Anne, IL (Kankakee County) 18uu – 1969
St. Joseph record (Saint Joseph, Ill. : 1894) St. Joseph, IL (Champaign County) 1894 – 1980
Strike bulletin (Clinton, Ill.) Clinton, IL (De Witt County) 1913 – 1915
Student (Urbana, Ill.) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1871 – 1873
Sunday Chicago bee Chicago, IL (Cook County) 19uu – 19uu
Svobodnaia Rossiia = Free Russia Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1917 – 1923
Sycamore tribune Sycamore, IL (De Kalb County) 1903 – 1965
Sycamore true Republican Sycamore, IL (De Kalb County) 1865 – 1873
Tampico tornado (Tampico, Ill. : 1876) Tampico, IL (Whiteside County) 1876 – 1966
Target (Rock Island, Ill.) Rock Island, IL (Rock Island County) 1968 – 2000
Telegraf (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1892 – 19uu
The Parks journal Rockford, IL (Winnebago County) 19uu – 1999
The post (Loves Park, Ill.) Loves Park, IL (Winnebago County) 19uu – 1979
Theocrat (Zion, Ill.) Zion City, IL (Lake County) 1914 – 1949
Toluca star-herald Toluca, IL (Marshall County) 191u – 1967
True Republican (Sycamore, Ill. : 1873) Sycamore, IL (De Kalb County) 1873 – 1970
Twin City review Champaign, IL (Champaign County) 19uu – 1929
Tydenni hlasatel Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1892 – 1uuu
Universalist (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1884 – 1897
Urbana courier (Urbana, Ill. : 1934) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1934 – 1934
Urbana courier (Urbana, Ill.) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1905 – 1905
Urbana courier-herald Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1905 – 1915
Urbana daily courier (Urbana, Ill. : 1897) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1897 – 1905
Urbana daily courier (Urbana, Ill. : 1915) Urbana, IL (Champaign County) 1915 – 1934
Vandalia Whig and Illinois intelligencer Vandalia, IL (Fayette County) 1832 – 183u
Vorbote (Chicago, Ill. : 1874) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1874 – 1924
Warren County Democrat (Monmouth, Ill.) Monmouth, IL (Warren County) 1887 – 1uuu
Weekly pantagraph (Bloomington, Ill. : 1883) Bloomington, IL (McLean County) 1883 – 1916
Western citizen (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1842 – 1852
Western railroad gazette Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1856 – 1870
Western rural (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1863 – 1883
Western rural and American stockman Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1883 – 1895
Western rural and live stock weekly Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1896 – 1898
Whiteside chronicle Sterling, IL (Whiteside County) uuuu – uuuu
Workingman's advocate (Chicago, Ill.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1864 – 1877
Zgoda Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1881 – 1901
Zgoda (Chicago, Ill. : 1914) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1914 – 9999
Zgoda (Men's ed.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1902 – 1913
Zgoda (Women's ed.) Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1900 – 1913
Zion banner Chicago, IL (Cook County) 1901 – 19uu
Zion City independent Zion, IL (Lake County) 1910 – 1925
Zion herald Zion City, IL (Lake County) 1907 – 1910