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oclc no. 15807840
Alternative title:
Published in: Monticello, IL (Piatt  County)
Language: English
Years Published: 1892 - 1967
Record Set Name: Piatt County journal-Republican
Where we found this title:

bulletPiatt County Historical and Genealogical Society
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1896:1:9-12:31>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Issues for Apr. 6, 1893 and Aug. 2, 1917 filmed on reel: M-22A; issues for Mar. 23-30, 1905 filmed on reel: M-136.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1892:4:14-1895:12:26> <1897:1:7-1967:3:2>

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1896:1:9-12:31> <1898:1:6-1958:12:31>

bulletBement Public Library District
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1905:3:23-30> <1911:9:7, 28> <1912:2:29>

bulletMonticello Township Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1892:4:14-1962:1:4> <1963:1:3-1967:3:2>

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1896:1:9-12:31>

bulletMonticello Township Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1904:1:7-1907:12:26>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1892:4:14-1895:12:26> <1897:1:7-1900:12:27> <1905:3:23-30> <1911:9:7, 28> <1912:2:29> <1917:8:2> <1959:1:8-1962:1:4> <1963:1:3-1967:3:2>

bulletPiatt County Historical and Genealogical Society
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1892:4:14-12:29> <1893:1:26-12:28> <1894:1:18-1895:7:12> <1896:1:16-1903:12:31> <1904:4:21-1907:12:26> <1908:5:14-1912:6:13> <1914:2:19-1960:12:31>