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oclc no. 15725608
Alternative title:
Published in: Cobden, IL (Union  County)
Years Published: 188u - 19uu
Notes: Latest issue consulted: [Vol. 28], no. 46 (Aug. 30, 1917).
Where we found this title:

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1892:2:18, 9:1> <1893:2:23> <1914:10:15-12:24> <1915:1:7-12:23> <1916:1:6-12:21>

bulletSouthern Illinois University-Carbondale
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1892:2:18, 9:1> <1893:2:23> <1914:10:15-12:24> <1915:1:7-12:23> <1916:1:6-12:21>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1892:2:18, 9:1> <1893:2:23> <1914:10:15-12:24> <1915:1:7-12:23> <1916:1:6-12:21>

bulletUnion County Historical and Genealogy Society & Museum
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1893:7:27-8:3> <1897:8:26> <1904:7:7> <1913:11:30> <1917:8:30>