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Bibliographic Information

TitleAll Chicago city news
Alt. Title
OCLC Number12616417
Published InChicago, IL, (Cook County)
LanguageEnglish, Spanish
Years Published1981 - 9999
NotesFrequency: Biweekly, Feb. 12, 1981-[July 29, 1986]; Bimonthly, [June/July 1989]; Weekly, [July 10, 1992]-. Preceded by three undated introductory issues and one dated Jan. 26, 1981.
SubjectPolitics and government

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1981:1:26-1984:6:16, 7:14-12:29> <1985:1:12-8:23, 10:1> <1986:5:22, 7:29> <1989:6/7> <1992:7:10, 9:6> <1993:1:10>Note: qF38AP.A4 folio.