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Bibliographic Information

TitleFalcon (Chicago, Ill. 1861)
Alt. Title
OCLC Number11998098
Published InChicago, IL, (Cook County)
Years Published1861 - 1863
NotesFirst and last issues undated.

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1863:1:1>Note: Three copies: New Year's address.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1861:4-12> <1862:2-3, 5-10, 12-1863:5>Holding Notes: Two copies of Mar. 1863 issue: one numbered Vol. 4, no. 4, and: one numbered Vol. 3 no. 3. Two copies: Vol. 2, no. 5 (Aug. 1861). Three copies Vol. 3, no. 1-3; Vol. 3, no. 6; Vol. 4, no. 3; Vol. 4, no. 6. Four copies: Vol. 4 no. 2.