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oclc no. 05215888
Alternative title: Revolucion
Published in: Chicago, IL (Cook  County)
Language: English, Spanish
Years Published: 1975 - 1994
Record Set Name: Revolution (Chicago, Ill.)
Notes: Publication suspended from 1982-1983; resumed with issue no. 51 (spring 1984). Contains inverted Spanish section entitled: Revolucion, Oct. 1975-. Revolucion, issued later as a separate edition. Ceased with no. 63 (1994). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 3, no. 15 (Dec. 1978).
Subject: Communism
Where we found this title:

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1977:8, 12> <1978:6, 10, 12>