| Southern Illinois labor tribune (East Saint Louis, Ill. : 1966) | oclc no. 04626820 | |
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| Alternative title: | |
| Published in: East St. Louis, IL (Saint Clair County) | |
| Language: English | |
| Years Published: 1966 - 1985 | |
| Record Set Name: St. Louis/Southern Illinois labor tribune | |
| Notes: Published in Saint Louis, Mo., [Mar. 3, 1977]-Aug. 29, 1985. Ceased with Aug. 29, 1985 issue. Latest issue consulted: July 25, 1985. | |
| Subject: Labor movement | |
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Where we found this title:
| | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Microfilm service copy | | | | Holdings: <1977:3:3-24, 4:7-21, 5:12-6:9, 23-12:29> <1978:1:5-4:20, 5:18-25, 6:22> <1980:5:29, 7:17, 9:4, 10:30-12:11> <1982:10:14> <1983:4:28-1984:5:10, 24-12:27> <1985:1:3-7:25> | |
| | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Microfilm master copy | | | | Holdings: <1977:3:3-24, 4:7-21, 5:12-6:9, 23-12:29> <1978:1:5-4:20, 5:18-25, 6:22> <1980:5:29, 7:17, 9:4, 10:30-12:11> <1982:10:14> <1983:4:28-1984:5:10, 24-12:27> <1985:1:3-7:25> | |
| | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Note: Please consult staff in the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library to request material. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: <1977:3:3-24, 4:7-21, 5:12-6:9, 23-12:29> <1978:1:5-4:20, 5:18-25, 6:22> <1980:5:29, 7:17, 9:4, 10:30-12:11> <1982:10:14> <1983:4:28-1984:5:10, 24-12:27> <1985:1:3-7:25> | |