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oclc no. 04299121
Alternative title: Chicago journal of commerce edition the Wall Street journal
Published in: Chicago, IL (Cook  County)
Language: English
Years Published: 1951 - 1996
Record Set Name: Wall Street journal (Eastern ed.)
Subject: Economics
Where we found this title:

bulletPeoria Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Holdings: <1954:1:1-1996:12:31>

bulletKnox College
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1851:9:18-1857:9:12> <1993:1:1-1996:12:31>
Complete? Some issues are missing.
Issues Held:  Some issues are missing.

bulletUniversity of Chicago
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: AN2 95. Regenstein Library, Microfilm Area.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1951:10:1-1996:12:31>

bulletChicago Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: At Sulzer Regional Library.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1971:1:1-1976:12:31> <1979-

bulletChicago Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: In Business, Science and Technology.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1951:10:1-

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Filmed on reel: M-78.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1964:2:28>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1964:2:28>

bulletSchaumburg Township District Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: (No entry)
Holdings: <1965-1996>
Notes: Microfilm. Polarity and specific issues not specified.

bulletParkland Community College Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Retains current 2 months.

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Springfield - Brookens Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Shelved in Newspaper Collection - Level 2.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Retains current 2 months.

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Chicago, Richard J. Daley Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Shelved by title. Current issues in Res. Room until microform copy received. Additional holdings appear in other records.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <2006:12:1-30>

bulletChicago Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: In Newspapers and General Periodicals: Retains current 1 month. At Woodson Regional Library and all branches.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Limited Retention

bulletIllinois Supreme Court Law Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Retains current 1 week.

bulletMt. Carmel Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Retains current month.

bulletUniversity of Chicago
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Reading rm, floor A, Regenstein Library.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Limited Retention.

bulletKnox College
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: Retained for 1 month.

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Reel no. 1 (Oct. 1-28, 1951) filmed with Chicago journal of commerce edition of the Wall Street journal.
Format: Microfilm
Holdings: <1951:10:1-1975:12:31>