Social Sciences

What We Do

Division Policies

Additional Information

List of Areas of Subject Expertise

The list below includes the name (linking to the email address), telephone number, and respective library of the librarian who specializes in the subject areas within the social sciences. Subject Specialists offer research advice to individuals or University classes, and consider requests for new materials.

Click here to see a list of subject specialists for the entire University system.

Subject Area Contact Person Phone Number Library
Advertising Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
American Government Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Anthropology Jessica Hagman 333-3005 SSHEL
Applied Health Sciences Jonas Yela 333-4475 SSHEL
Archaeology Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Arms Control Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Art Education (K-12) Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Asian American Studies Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Behavior change and the environment Laura Barnes 333-8957 ISTC
Book History / Print Culture History Christopher Bailey 300-8439 SSHEL
Brand Management Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Broadcasting Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Career and Technical education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Censorship Christopher Bailey 300-8439 SSHEL
Children’s and young adult literature Nancy O’Brien
333-4456 SSHEL
Climate change Laura Barnes 333-8957 ISTC
Communication Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Curriculum and instruction Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Early childhood education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Economics Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Educational policy, organization and leadership Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Educational psychology Nancy O’Brien
333-2408 SSHEL
Elections and Voting Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Elementary education (K-9) Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Employee Motivation Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Employment Relations Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Gender and Women’s Studies Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Geography Jessica Hagman 333-3005 SSHEL
Human Resources Management Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Information science Christopher Bailey 300-8439 LIS
Internet Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Journalism Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Labor arbitration Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Labor economics Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Labor Studies Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL
Latina/o Studies Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Library Science Christopher Bailey 300-8439 LIS
Mass Media Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Neuroscience / Neuropsychology Yali Feng 300-6619 SSHEL
Political Communication Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Political Science Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Psychology Yali Feng 300-6619 SSHEL
Public Opinion Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Public Relations Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Publishing Christopher Bailey 300-8439 SSHEL
Radio Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Second language acquisition & teacher education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Secondary education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Social informatics Christopher Bailey 300-8439 LIS
Social Psychology Yali Feng 300-6619 SSHEL
Social Science Research Methods Christopher Bailey 300-8439 SSHEL
Social Science Statistical Resources Cindy Ingold 333-7998 SSHEL
Social Services Yali Feng 300-6619 SSHEL
Social Work Yali Feng 300-6619 SSHEL
Sociology Jessica Hagman 333-3005 SSHEL
Special education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Speech Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Storytelling Christopher Bailey 300-8439 LIS
Teacher education Nancy O’Brien 333-2408 SSHEL
Television Lisa Romero 333-6348 COMM
Training Mandi Arlain 244-3788 SSHEL



Meeting Date Agenda Minutes Related Documents
08/01/2024 Minutes Available
12/06/2023 Minutes Available
08/02/2023 Minutes Available
04/05/2023 Minutes Available
10/05/2022 Minutes Available
05/04/2022 Minutes Available
11/03/2021 Minutes Available
05/05/2021 Minutes Available
12/02/2020 Minutes Available
10/07/2020 Minutes Available
03/04/2020 Minutes Available

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