The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series

Michael Scott
New York : Delacorte Press, 2007-2012

Written by an authority on folklore and mythology, the six book series takes place over a period of a month in the present day and across parallel “Shadowrealms.” It tells the story of 15-year old twins Sophie and Josh Newman caught up in a battle of influence and destiny between the forces of good, the Elders, and the immortal humans Nicholas Flamel and wife Perenelle, and the Dark Elders working through archenemy Dr. John Dee. Considered to be the long-sought after “twins of the prophecy” both sides seek to control the twins magical awakening that is seen as central to the survival (the Flamels) or destruction (Dee) of the human world.

Among the host of characters from diverse mythologies and human history is William Shakespeare, who appears from the third book (The Sorceress) onward. Will, or the “Immortal Bard,” is an immortal human described as a small, short-sighted, balding man in dirty mechanics’ overalls who has an aversion to bathing, but is a handy cook and a canny property investor. As a mortal he was apprenticed to Nicholas Flamel and then to John Dee, the latter being pivotal in getting Will his fame as a writer. Following the death of his twin son Hamnet at Dee’s hands, and motivated by his desire to make up for his actions as Dee’s right hand man, Will works with Palamedes to save humans caught up in this war. Agreeing to help Flamel and the twins Will uses his magical power, his potent imagination and wit, to conjure magical creatures to combat Dee and his allies as the action leads to its climax. Never at a loss for words or ideas (and he frequently notes them down for a staging of the events), Will is always able to provide the wry humor, even in the most dire situations. –TH

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