
Define a single step in the workflow.

class speedwagon.tasks.Subtask

Base class for defining a new task for a Workflow to create.

Subclass this generate a new task

__init__() None

Create a new sub-task.

exec() None

Execute subtask.

log(message: str) None

Generate text message for the subtask.

property parent_task_log_q: Deque[str]

Log queue of the parent.

property results

Get the results of the subtask.

set_results(results) None

Set the results of the subtask.

property settings: Dict[str, str]

Get the settings for the subtask.

property status: TaskStatus

Get the status of the subtask.

property subtask_working_dir: str

Get the subtask working directory.


This has the side effect of creating the working directory if it does not already exist.

task_description() Optional[str]

Get user readable information about what the subtask is doing.

property task_result: Optional[Result]

Get the result of the subtask.

work() bool

Perform work.

This method is called when the task’s work should be done.

Override this method to accomplish the task.


Currently expects to return a boolean value to indicate if the task has succeeded or failed. However, this is likely to change.