Sabbatical Leave Request Process

  1. In September, faculty should discuss their sabbatical leave plans with their Division Coordinator and Associate Dean responsible for academic affairs (currently Mary Laskowski).
  2. Librarians wishing to apply for sabbatical submit an online application by the First Friday in October.  When entering the form, please note that the netid for the current Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (currently  ‘mkschnei‘) should be entered for the UEO contact.
  3. AUL responsible for academic affairs informs Dean and forwards copy of application materials to the relevant division coordinator for division review.
  4. Division Advisory Committee reviews applications, consulting unit heads, AULs, and directors as needed, in regard to coverage issues and sabbatical research plan.
    1. If more than one faculty member in the division requests a sabbatical, the Division Advisory Committee should rank them.
    2. Division Coordinator sends a draft coverage plan and evaluation, based on consultation with the advisory committee and the unit head, to AUL responsible for Academic Affairs.
  5. Division Coordinator prepares an evaluative statement based on the comments and recommendations of the Division Advisory Committee. Reviews due to AUL responsible for academic affairs by Fourth Friday in October.
  6. In late October or early Novemberthe Division Coordinator meets with the Associate Dean who has responsibility of Academic Affairs (if necessary).  The Coordinator should be prepared to discuss the ranking, as well as plans for addressing staffing during the absence of the faculty member, including alternatives suggested by the Division Advisory Committee and Unit Head.  As necessary, the Coordinator and AUL responsible for academic affairs will coordinate with other AUL’s and the Dean to discuss applications and coverage issues.
  7. Final applications, including revised applications from candidates and evaluations and coverage plans from the division coordinator, are due the Second Friday In November. 
  8. The AUL responsible for academic affairs reviews the applications with the University Librarian, who provides a final ranking and evaluative statements.
  9. By December 1, the University Administration submits approved Sabbatical Leave Applications for campus and university review.
  10. Applicants are notified of the status of their applications by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees following the Board’s meeting in March of following year.
  11. Upon the faculty member’s return from sabbatical leave, he or she is required to submit a report. The report is due within 60 days of completing the leave.  Instructions and forms for the report are included in Communication No.19.

Please direct questions to the AUL who is responsible for Academic Affairs (Mary Laskowski, as of May 2022)

Updated 5/16/2022

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