September 29, 2016 Meeting of Library Staff Support Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

September 29, 201611:00 am - 12:00 pm

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Becky Burner (Physical Sciences & Engineering), Jim Cotter (Special Collections), Kyle McCafferty (Central Access Services), Debora Pfeiffer (Technical Services), Dani Postula (Central Access Services), Laura Poulosky (Residence Hall Libraries), Gennye Varvel (Social Sciences), Shoshana Vegh-Gaynor (Arts & Humanities)


Update on Content Access Management’s Move:

Debora reported that most Content Access Management (CAM) staff have now moved to Room 1 in the basement of the Main Library (the space that years ago was the Newspaper Library).  Staff has not heard anything about air quality testing or any results that may have been obtained from it.  There are a lot of kinks to be worked out in the new space, including what to do about the distracting frequent slamming of a door between CAM and Acquisitions that is loud enough to be heard throughout Room 1, the fact that the floor slopes enough in certain areas that some staff members’ chairs slide backwards down the slope, and the fact that staff is concerned that the entrance and exit routes to and from the room may not meet fire codes.  On the positive side, Room 1 does have nice-looking new furniture and computers and attractive new flooring.

ClimQual Survey Feedback:


On Thursday, Oct. 6th, Dani will attend the next ClimQual team meeting to discuss actions for the Library to take in response to information learned from the ClimQual Survey of Library employees.  The ClimQual committee has found that most of the feedback from the survey and follow-up focus groups has been extremely positive.

A few themes that have emerged from survey respondents include:

-the need to build Library-wide trust by using open communication (one example given of a recent instance in which communication amongst various Library departments was not as clear and complete as needed was the management of the second-floor reorganization of Library spaces and materials)


-the need for employees to feel appreciated for the work they do.

The ClimQual committee will be discussing the following questions:

1.)  How can the Library create a community that includes everyone?

2.)  How can all employees of the Library communicate more effectively?  What communication channels can all Library employees use?

3.)  How can Library employees receive assistance when there are conflicts at work?

4.)  Should the Library invest in conflict resolution training for staff?

In response to question #2 about communication, one thing LSSC members want to remind all Library staff about is that we welcomes staff questions, comments, or concerns about working at the Library via our online and paper comment boxes.  Suggestions may be made anonymously, if preferred.  The web form for online suggestions can be found here:

LSSC’s paper suggestion box is located outside the Business and Human Resources Service Center on the first floor of the Main Library.

We also discussed the fact that Lib-News has both strengths and weaknesses as a channel of communication.  It seems to be the most reliable way to communicate to all Library employees, but sometimes people don’t follow group email etiquette, so the amount and/or emotional tone of the group emails can occasionally be overwhelming.  It can also be difficult to find specific information from older Lib-News messages, so we talked about whether or not it would be useful if Lib-News messages were archived.  We don’t know who would have the time to take on this task, however, or what would be the best way to do it—setting up online folders, using Box or the Google Drive…?

In regards to question #3 about conflict resolution, staff members’ first resource are their supervisors.  Further resources include: Library and Staff Human Resources, the Faculty Staff Assistance Program (for psychological / mental health support), and the unions—Local # 698 and #3700.

Dani welcomes any additional comments or suggestions that LSSC or other staff members would like her to communicate to the ClimQual committee.

Division reports:

Becky provided the following notes from the PSED Division meeting held 9/28/16:

-Discussed consultation appointment booking system: Book appointments with librarians online starting in Spring 2017. This is optional and asking for volunteers. Librarians can set the hours they are available.

Committee reports (given at PSED meeting):

Administrative Council—Discussed the Clery Act: Federally mandated crime reporter for the University. Most of us have received email notification 9/20/16 that we no longer are required to fulfill this role, due to the Department of Education reversing that guidance and saying that the sole responsibility of a supervisor of a student employee does not automatically make someone a Campus Security Authority.

CDC—Discussed budget, which will be flat. Springer merger with Nature is a mess. They are extending our subscriptions until it is straightened out.

Safari–Problem accessing due to limited number of 6 people that can be on Safari at the same time.

Executive Committee—Planning program for Academic Professional promotion path.

Research & Data Services—Updated their webpage.

Next LSSC Meeting:

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27th, at 11 a.m. in the Main Library Room 225B.