September 18, 2019 Meeting of Library Faculty Meeting

Time and Location of Meeting

September 18, 2019- 4:30 pm Library Room 66

Agenda Details


Provisional AGENDA

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
September 18, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library

  1. Call to Order
  2. Standing Items
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Approval of the minutes of the June 12, Faculty Meeting (URL:  not presently available)

3          Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)

4          Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)

5          Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

  1. New Business

Copyright Chat Channel video series (Sara Benson)

  1. Discussion Items

1          Input for the Executive Committee on the role of the divisional meetings that have been a fixed feature of the schedules for on-campus visits for faculty-line candidates. In particular, can we bring more focus, and better attendance to these meetings by having them center on the research of faculty in divisions, as well as an opportunity to learn more about candidate research interests?  (David Ward)

  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

Minutes Details



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
September 18, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library

  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm.


  1. Standing Items
  2. Adoption of the agenda
    Mary Laskowski motioned to adopt the agenda.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the June 12, Faculty Meeting
    June 12 minutes will be approved at the October faculty meeting.

3          Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)

Cindy Ingold (SSHEL) introduced:

  • Chris Baily – Visiting Information Sciences Librarian; Chris began on May 16th and his office is in SSHEL South; responsibilities include liaison to the iSchool
  • Jess Hagman – Social Sciences Research Librarian; Jess started on August 16th and her office is in SSHEL North; Jess is the subject specialist for sociology, anthropology and geography.


Dan Tracy introduced Spencer Keralis – Digital Humanities Librarian; Spencer will serve as liaison for the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, and will serve as point person for text mining questions across disciplines.


Other introductions:


  • Alex Dryden – Visiting Research Programmer, Scholarly Communication & Publishing; Alex began on August 1st.
  • Bob Geraci – Associate Research Professor; Bob will be working with IAS on Slavic and Eastern European affairs.


  • Tim Newman– Assistant Dean for Facilities; Tim started on August 16th; Tim remarked that he is busy meeting with folks with a goal to formulate a 3,5 or 7 year plan that reflects the wants, needs and desires of library faculty and staff; he is focused on the upkeep of spaces and the redevelopment plan.


Sarah Williams will introduce Janis Shearer, the new Public Services & Engagement Librarian, at at the October faculty meeting.

4          Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)


David announced new EC officers:

David Ward – Vice-Chair

Paula Carns – Search Committee Liaison

Lynne Rudasill – Secretary


EC has met 6 times since the June faculty meeting; activities include:


  • Provided feedback on the new AP promotion process to the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee.


  • Suggested peer review committee appointments.


  • Reviewed applications and funded 2 projects innovation fund projects: recipients are Jennifer Teper and Mara Thacker.


  • Discussed and made recommendations for Committee appointments.


  • EC meets with AULs monthly and topics of discussion include the building project, strategic planning, staffing, and other projects such as the 1st floor renovations.


  • Research Challenges Report was discussed; EC will meet with chairs of PTAC and FRC to look for ways to address support options for tenure track faculty


  • Budge discussions with dean included talk about available funds; received funding for new positions and those positons should reflect the strategic plan.


  • Big collection initiative – big 10 , dean’ call for participation


  • Discussed OCLC White Paper on proposed improvements to discovery and shared collections.


  • Search chair checklist review – the role of division meetings during on-campus interviews will be discussed


  • Dean’s five year review was submitted to the provost’s office


  • EC Reviewed library student assessment team report




Lisa Hinchliffe asked that documents mentioned in the report should be made available form EC’s web page; David said he would do that.


John welcomed Mara Thacker and Jennifer Teper as new EC members.


5          Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)


John announced the passing of Chris Quinn, who most recently served as acting director of the Art & Architecture Library.


John encouraged faculty to stop him and ask questions at any point during his report.


  • Budget – provost’s office has accelerated the annual report and budget request cycle for FY21. Last year we received guidelines at the beginning of January, with two months for submission. For FY21, the charge will be sent in November, with a due date in February. The goal is to make this a consultative process, including a review of the budget, opportunities, and articulation of our priorities. EC will be heavily involved with budget input and review


  • Operationalizing the Collective Collection – John encouraged everyone to read the report which was commissioned and written in consultation with the BTAA directors. The recommendations are something that we should aim to make real. Would like Illinois to take a leading role in this; no strategy is mapped out yet; will share information as it emerges. Collections will be critical piece.


  • Andy Suarez and John attended a small invitational meeting of organizations working on transformative licensing agreements – moving away from subscriptions and to a model that ensures sufficient financial resources in the system to both support OA and support publishing.  John will follow up with a meeting of chief negotiators in Berlin in October. John wants us to play a leading role in shaping these kinds of agreements.


Kyle Rimkus – what will you be trying to negotiate?


John – moving big ten licenses form subscriptions to transformative agreements; looking at Project DEAL from Germany as model; transformative agreements are often described as pay to publish and publish and read; publishing is open access – we pay to publish, but content is free to read. The Big Ten publishes about 10 percent of Wiley publications.


  • John reported completion of his five year review and renewal of leadership. He thanked everyone for the candid and helpful feedback; he is committed to engaged and open discussion of challenging issues and will do as much as possible to foster engagement, feedback, and open discussion around challenging issues.


  • As part of contract negotiations, he requested certain the following:


o   Inflation money for collections

o   Minimum wage increase

o   New positions for data science, equity and inclusion, Illinois distributed museum

o   Oak street debt has been forgiven; that money goes to these priorities

o   Support for library building project; a strong and specific commitment; specifics will be forthcoming

o   One million to support room 220.

o   Recognition that the library budget does not follow growth of the rest of university; it stays flat in good years; we need to link our budget to growth in expenditures for schools and colleges; we will work with provost to figure it out


Merinda Hensley – thanked John for negotiating terms that so benefit the library


Sara Benson  – expressed concern about attrition, especially in technical services attrition




  • New strategic hiring – Always look at every opportunity for hiring to see if funds should be deployed in different ways; in the new budget cycle, have allocations from provost’s office. Greg Knott and John have gone through funding; there will be 500,000 dollars for new hiring in addition to positions above; new positions should all be aligned with strategic plan. AULs are working hard to map out a hiring strategy; EC will be involved in a review of recommendations. Overall, the budget is in good shape; the strategic plan is in place; funding is available.


Merinda Hensely – What about retention?


John – that is coming up


Lisa Hinchliffe – Suggests that the library needs to consider what it takes to build out a service area? The diversity position for example….the person is necessary but not sufficient. Are AULs scoping positions to build out new services instead of thinking of one person as a program.


John – AULs take the lead and they are responsible for making things happen and how we execute new initiatives more holistically and set people up to succeed.


Kirstin Johnson – It would be great to establish funding for “stuff” – there is no clear funding for that; could we create a fund for outreach or programming?


John – Yes – we want to “yes” when the need is there; there will be funds for that; 500,000 will all be spent on personnel but there will be funding for that as well. One-time funds for strategic initiatives are forthcoming.




  • In addition to the provost’s salary funding, John has committed funds to address cases of salary compression and equity. He thanked the AULs for their help in identifying issue.


Dan Tracy – There was a campus announcement about a review of P & T on the campus level to revise guidelines;


John – Chris Prom is involved in this process.


Mary Laskowski – It is expected to be 2-year process with lots of opportunity for faculty engagement along the way.


Sarah Williams – As far as the funding for student wage budget, do you know when that will happen?


John – does not know when that will happen; when you need it, you will have it.


  1. New Business

Copyright Chat Channel video series (Sara Benson)

Sara Benson:

I am creating a series of videos branded the Copyright Chat Channel. The first three are:

Please use them if they are useful; please provide feedback so that these will be meaningful videos – not useless videos; how might they be used most effectively? Quick – 8-10 minutes;


  1. Discussion Items

1          Input for the Executive Committee on the role of the divisional meetings that have been a fixed feature of the schedules for on-campus visits for faculty-line candidates. In particular, can we bring more focus, and better attendance to these meetings by having them center on the research of faculty in divisions, as well as an opportunity to learn more about candidate research interests?  (David Ward)




The Administrative Council established division meetings as a standing item for faculty searches; does this have to be a requirement? This time may be better spent; how can we increase support for research part of tenure process; how do we vet individuals for tenure process; Bill Mischo reported that, at PSED candidate meetings, faculty share their own research to introduce culture of research here.


Looking for a recommendation to HR on what might be good use of interview time that is now taken by division meeting.


Mary Laskowski – maybe not have divisional meeting per se, but consider who are stakeholders for the position; don’t recommend restricting the meeting to just faculty research


David Ward – maybe discuss uses of investigation time?


Kirstin Johnson – I like the idea of doing it differently; so many people are on committees and there are so many obligations already….


Karen Hogenboom – It makes sense to talk about what a division is and how it differs from other structures – how it fits in with administrative structure


Dan Tracy – It can be useful to have time to talk openly and answer questions about research –


Alex Cabada – give candidates more time to decompress – give them a little alone time during the day

David Ward – So what is vital to division meetings


Sara Benson – The interview process should allow for some downtime; division meetings are too long; maybe shorten them and then give the person a break; break times are important


Mary Laskowski – We don’t want to restrict who can be included in conversations



David Ward – So, what would make the meetings worth the time on the schedule?  Leave it more to the discretion of chair; division meetings as optional


Sarah Williams – It would be more inclusive and think about stakeholders; include others outside of division meetings but who may have a stake in the candidate


Karen Hogenboom – Candidates often ask “what is this meeting for?”


Susan Avery – Having search committee chairs alert divisions that the meeting might be coming up would be helpful


David Ward – So, there is an interest in making it more of a stakeholders meeting; chair might figure that out; optional if there are plenty of other meetings


  1. Announcements


  • ICR innovation funds – funding for strategic plan projects; call will be coming in the first week of October for ICR innovation funding and funding to support strategic planning

(10,000 to 20,000 each)


  • Mara Thacker – campus charitable fund drive kicked off Monday. There are two upcoming events:

o   Special Edition of Creative Connections this Thursday, September 19th 12pm-1pm in Library 106. We will be decorating lunch sacks to donate to the Daily Bread Soup kitchen because they said it really cheers up their patrons. I will be there coloring alongside you and ready to answer all your CCFD questions.

o   Go DoNUTS for Charity- That’s right we’re bringing back to the coffee and donuts charity open house featuring some returning favorites and also some new faces. Come learn about some great local organizations you can support while enjoying free coffee and donuts. Tuesday, October 15th at 10am in Library 106.



  • Alex Cabada – Reminder about the VR Illinois grant program for VR research and instruction – due this Friday by the end of day


  • David Ward – The Friends annual event will be on Sept 27th – undergraduate services is theme; UGL will close at 2:00 pm. Coffee shop will remain open until 6:00 pm; guest speaker is Betsy Wilson, Vice Provost for Digital Initiatives and Dean of University Libraries at the University of Washington


  • John – Reminder about the Reception for new dean at iSchool.



  1. Adjournment


Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.