September 12, 2018 Meeting of Library Faculty Meeting

Time and Location of Meeting

September 12, 2018

Agenda Details



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2018
3-4:30 pm
Room 66 Library


  1. Call or Order
  2. Standing Items

2.1   Adoption of the agenda
2.2   Approval of the minutes of the April 4, 2018 Faculty Meeting
2.3   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)
2.4   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (15 minutes – Nancy O’Brien)
2.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

  1. Discussion Items
  2. Lightning Talks

4.1 Jen Chien Yu

  1. New Business
  2. Announcements
  3. Adjournment

Minutes Details



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2018
3-4:30 pm
Room 66 Library


  1. John Wilkin called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
  2. Standing Items

2.1   Adoption of the agenda
Lynne Rudasill moved to adopt the agenda; Qiang Jin seconded.

2.2   Approval of the minutes of the April 4, 2018 Faculty Meeting
Cindy Ingold noted that there was a June faculty meeting; the April minutes were already approved; June 13th minutes and September 12th  minutes will both be approved at the October 10th meeting.

2.3   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)

  • Tom Teper introduced Jenny Maddox Abbott, Collection Management Librarian.
  • Cindy Ingold introduced Yali Feng, Visiting Behavioral Sciences Research and Data Services Librarian.
  • Paula Carns introduced Matt Roberts, Literatures and Languages English and Drama Librarian.
  • John Wilkin also welcomed in absentia Bruce Schatz, Professor, Medical and Information Science. John encouraged everyone to attend the new faculty reception beginning at 5:00 at the iSchool.

2.4   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (15 minutes – David Ward)
Major activities include:

  • Discussions around library building project; EC is continuing to review processes and plans for engagement in discussions and other planning efforts.
  • Reviewing ICR options for funding; is there sufficient funding for the upcoming year.
  • Reminder that feedback for AUL search candidates is due by the end of the week; the search committee meets the following Monday.
  • Reviewed budget with Greg Knott; working with Karen Hogenboom and Cherie’ Weible on the implementation report of 2nd floor space.
  • Several position requests and search committee appointments are in process.
  • Paula Carns will serve as the EEO officer on search committees.
  • EC appointed peer review committees for new people.
  • EC discussed committee appointments and disbanded the following advisory committees: User Services Advisory committee, Research and Data Services Committee and User Ed committee.

Cindy Ingold asked about how the decisions to disband committees will be assessed and a discussion of the committee structure ensued. Merinda Hensley also commented that there may be committees we no longer need but there may also be gaps in committee coverage.

There will be a continual review of committees every summer; other requests for changes or modifications will be addressed as they come up. A distinction was made between committees involved in practical work versus committees that act in an advisory capacity and that may not be the best avenue for input. Suggestions for revisions or new committees should include a list of interested participants. John suggested a review of some committees to assess what is missing or if specific charges need to be adjusted. An open discussion may be in order.  Cindy Ingold volunteered to work with EC on a committee review, maybe in April prior to the call for committee participation.

2.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

Regarding the salary program, John reported that the library had received funding for 2% increase from campus; there are certain constraints and some latitude. Budget belt was tightened to add a little more than 2%. Salary decisions are guided by FRC scores and performance reviews for APs. Kyle Rimkus asked how were scores/reviews used and noted that not everyone is applying scores in the same way. The AP reviews were not used this year because of problems with implementation. John stated that the reviews need to be an engaged and meaningful process.

Deans have been finalizing strategic plan for university; working groups, reports online. The latest draft uses the same four goal areas (fostering scholarship, discovery and innovation, providing transformative learning experiences, making a significant and visible societal impact, and stewarding/generating resources) and will be available soon. When it is done, the library will engage with the document for next phase of strategic planning.

The new budget includes inflationary increases for collections in addition to salary funds.

Regarding the building update, Dean Wilkin reminded everyone to attend Tom Teper’s update at 4:00 the following Thursday.

Regarding the AUL Search Process, EC meets Monday next; John thanked everyone for their participation and asked that feedback be provided by week’s end.

APs and Civil Service audits are ongoing but there is strong recognition that some library positions are professional (AP) and there are assurances that those will remain exempt.


Kyle Rimkus asked about ways that the library might contribute to the Discovery Partners Institute.

John suggested that there are many ways we can contribute; inspiration can come from innovations such as the IDEA lab and the Siebel Center for Design and through committee work.

  1. Discussion Items


  1. Lightning Talks

4.1 Jen Chien Yu presented Leveraging library data for student success. Slides were distributed after the meeting.


Kirsten Dougan  – Is there a way to ask for different things in bean counter?

Tom Habing – you can ask to see extra fields  – please complete an OTRS request

Bill Mischo – There are many challenges to obtaining and using metrics:
–get enough granularity for meaningful assertions
–get data from publishers
–connect resource use with specific users or even departments
–make assumptions about user behavior

Quinn Ferris – students today don’t think much about privacy; do you know how students feel about using their data?

Jen – we don’t have solid data that addresses that specifically.

Chris Prom– Jen provided interesting and valuable data collection; should we also think about gathering stories of student success based on the library; how did library facilitate some learning (undergrads, PhDs) to gather meaningful qualitative data.

Jen – John and Heather are collecting student stories.

Matt Roberts – we have focused on collection driven data; how do we account for students success and public service initiatives.

Infrastructure is not 100% there; gather card swipe data during instruction or interactions. Students who interact with reference librarian are most likely to continue with education.

Merinda – how are users using digital scholarship tools? Observation is another tool;

Susan Avery – As an example, Com 101 – scheduling classes was difficult and one semester the department decided to eliminate library literacy; it was not a satisfactory decision.

  1. New Business

5.1 Yali Feng – will provide office hours in the psychology building

  1. Announcements

6.1 Kirsten Dougan – Sept 22nd   at 1 pm – showcasing and revealing player piano – talks, demos and refreshments.

6.2 Karen Hogenboom  – Oct 9th room 220 open house – food and fun 4 to 5:30

6.3 Megan Ozeran – Data visualization competition winners will be announced

6.4 Tom Teper – quarterly update on library building project 20th, 4:00 room 66.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned 4:09.