September 11, 2000 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

September 11, 2000

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Sarah Reisinger, Lori Dubois, Sue Searing – Chair, Elizabeth Clarage, Francis Jacobsen, Chris Quinn


1. Housekeeping

Minutes of 17 July meeting were approved.

Committee discussed status of Action list. It was agreed to include it in the minutes rather than keep it separately.

New committee members Elizabeth Clarage (Commerce) and Francis Jacobsen (University High School) were introduced.

2. Announcements

Sue is preparing a draft of an article on User Education for the Navigator. This will be forwarded to the committee for comment.

Lori discussed status of Fall Workshops. She will send a message on LIBNEWS requesting volunteers to assist with the workshops.

Sarah discussed User Ed. committee involvement with Learning Communities on campus. Sarah and others could be involved in this in Oct and Nov? Sue discussed the new committee chaired by Cindy Ashwill (Development Office) which will be concerned with PR and events. This committee may be able to assist with User Education events. Discussion of where portable instruction unit will be housed. It has been kept in Undergrad with Lori Dubois in charge of scheduling. The committee agreed that it should remain there for now.

3. Reports on Orientation events, tours, etc.

Sue Searing reported on the Orientation event for Graduate Assistants, held at Foellinger Auditorium. Questions asked by graduate students at the library’s table concerned workshops and requests for information about departmental libraries.

Deb Gilchrist Program: Committee discussed whether there should be a formal evaluation by participants in the program, or a follow-up with participants by committee members. Sue Searing will put together something re: evaluation.

Searing will also distribute Gilchrist’s notes/bibliography via LIBNEWS-L to the committee and to participants.

Next steps at UIUC: Committee wants to inventory current efforts across the library. Frances Jacobsen will survey unit annual reports for user education efforts.

Committee also wishes to define information literacy in context of UIUC ACRL guidelines will provide a starting point for future discussion.

4. Fall Professional Development Activities

Possibilities include: Workshop on Presentation skills by the Office of Instructional Media (OIR) Workshop on teaching or writing effective lectures.

Sarah will pursue this with OIR. Committee suggested possible dates in first week of November (3rd or 4th?).

Topic for Luncheon on 9/28: Information Literacy

5. Budget request for User Ed. Committee

This is due Nov 3. Suggestions included: Funds for more Daily Illini ads for workshops and other user education efforts, Equipment and software, attendance at LOAX for more members of the Committee, or others with an interest, and items for giveaways at orientations, quad-day booths, etc.

6. Action List

  • Sue Searing will work on evaluation tool for the Deb Gilchrist program. Frances Jacobsen will survey unit annual reports for user education activities.
  • Sarah Reisinger will pursue fall professional development activity possibilities with OIR.

Next meeting October 9th