October 9, 2019 Meeting of Library Faculty Meeting

Time and Location of Meeting

October 9, 201966 Library

Agenda Details


Provisional AGENDA

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
October 9, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library

  1. Call to Order
  2. Standing Items
  3. Adoption of the agenda


  1. Approval of the minutes of the September 18th Faculty Meeting


3          Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)


4          Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)


5          Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)


  1. New Business



  1. Discussion Items



  1. Announcements



  1. Adjournment

Minutes Details


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 3pm.

2. Standing Items
2.1 Adoption of the agenda
Mary Laskowski made a motion to adopt the agenda. Heidi Imker seconded it. So adopted.

2.2 Approval of the minutes
Heidi Imker motioned to approve the September 18th faculty meeting minutes. Tom Teper seconded the approval. So approved.

Approval of the June 12 faculty meeting minutes will be postponed for approval until the next faculty meeting.

2.3 Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)
Sarah Williams introduced Janis Schearer – Public Services and Engagement Librarian for ACES. Janice will be responsible for expanding and leading outreach and engagement efforts and playing the role of liaison to 2 units, Extension and AG Communications Program

2.4 Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)

• Executive Committee met two times since Sept. Meeting.

• Posted two calls for the Innovation Funding Request and new one for strategic project funding requests which will be due December 2nd. EC will be meeting on 2nd and the 9th. There will be a quick turn-around for Innovation Funding Requests.

• Discussed the role of divisional meetings with faculty candidates and passed on the recommendation to leave it up to search chairs.

• Discussed the need to ensure the impact on the Library is appropriately evaluated regarding the proposal of new programs.

• Approved a request for a visiting Gov. Docs position for 3 years.

• Reviewed upcoming programs for AP personnel for the coming year.

• Approved replacement for Media Commons AP position (production and instruction).

• Began discussion for role of EC in advising on IT positions as the shift to Civil Service comes along. Budget process is to go through Budget Group for CS positions. Looking for other ways that EC might stay in the loop.


Joanne Kaczmarek asked what the “other ways” might be. David suggested holding meetings with Chris Prom and having ongoing conversations regarding staff in general. John Wilkin commented that the Budget Group has representatives from EC and AC so there won’t be a gap necessarily.

2.5 Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

• A shared BTAA Collection
BTAA has put out a statement endorsing the notion of a shared BTAA collection, treating our collective collection as one. Focus is on the D2D for historical print collections. But we want to also look at retrospective materials. Our thought is that this will lead to forward thinking on collections. John will be replacing Wendy Lougee” at MN as one of 2 BTAA reps on the board of Hatthi Trust in January. He hopes to influence efforts around accessibility, shared access, print services.

• Transformative agreements in the BTAA.
We have nearly finalized an arrangement with California to support an FTE to expand capacity to do data analysis. We also appointed a small group of collection people to look at opportunities (transformative sharing agreements) in terms of data analysis based on a number of criteria.

The announcement about ARL venture funding available between $10K and $15K. If we’re doing something that may have value across research libraries, we should push forward with it. The semi-annual meeting of ARL directors just took place where we celebrated 22 years of the Leadership and Development Program, a yearlong program to prepare mid-career librarians from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to take on future leadership roles. MJ Han was one of this year’s participants, a stellar group of individuals.

• Budget Discussion
Over the last several years, John chaired the budget reform steering committee for the University. It was always unclear what impact increases in enrollment would have on department’s bottom line. So a broadly consultative model was put in place that has since rolled out. It was a successful effort. Paul Ellinger, the Vice Provost for Budget and Planning, gets credit.

John then went through a spreadsheet, sharing with everyone what things look like. Below are:

First understand: This is structured around budget terminology we use at campus level sources and uses. Sources are “revenue” – may be revenue that the College generates but also other forms of revenue that come to the college in a variety of ways. They may not generate but they are credited. See the white paper on the Provost’s website.

Focus on University Value-Based Investments and Transfers. For example, in LAS ESL is taught which benefits all of the University. So it needs to be compensated for this value beyond what it gets for tuition.

Until this budget model, we didn’t charge colleges for space. A lot of money was kept centrally and things were parsed out. Some colleges sat on fairly useless space but didn’t have incentive to unload the space. Now, this creates incentive to review whether or not we really need the space. There are higher ed. standards for costs for different kinds of spaces. Different kinds of labs cost more than auditoriums.

Know that this process is not fixed. It is a process that will have continuing review and adjustments. We need to remember to find ways to continue to communicate the value of the Library. Assumptions shouldn’t rule what happens here. We need to show value, communicate value, and cost.


Kyle Rimkus -About the Budget document: There’s lots of talk about how we are using international students to support total costs and that the university is relying more and more on international student tuition to prop up the tuition cost. Is this true?

Dean Wilkin: You would need to add the base rate and the program differentials and the international to reflect the international students. We are really proportional (73% in-state students) we are excellent and committed to service to the State. Our relationship to international students goes back 100 years, President James visit to China. This is not us “saving our bacon” to induce students from China to come here. It’s also a relatively small portion of the student body compared to others.

Matt – About the BTAA white paper: Some language seems directed at a specific audience. We talked about it several months ago and now the announcement just came out. What is the timeframe for decision-making moving forward? It would be helpful to get people’s viewpoints represented in the process.

Dean Wilkin: Right now we are just cogitating on the problem written by somebody outside BTAA in consultation. We don’t know how to get there – how to create that future. We may fail but we should try. So we’ve charged these 2 committees. We’ve asked them to try to create a road map. Something we can plan around and a time table. Beyond the general disagreement, there are lots of opportunities to disagree about the specifics. For example, if we are going to have effective discovery to delivery, we can’t ask people to search across our separate collections. But some people disagree how to get there. I think interoperability continues to fail. How do we resolve this question is still up for grabs.

Kyle Rimkus: How does our role as a land grant public institution play into this collective collection – – -this stuff belongs to us in Illinois but we’re fusing this with other collections.

Dean Wilkin: The nature of resource sharing. We had trepidations with Hugh Atkinson regarding whether we would become a net lender rather than net borrower. Our land grant role should predispose us to be a world citizen not just Illinois. If you look at the state piece, it’s a tiny fraction (less than 20% of our total budget)

Nancy O’Brien – about Foundation Weekend: Foundation weekend is coming up this weekend. Will there be any major gifts announced to the Library?

Dean Wilkin: No. But we had a great Library Board meeting recently. Some great opportunities coming up.

Heidi Imker – about the Budget discussion: I know the budget spreadsheets are not publicly available, can anybody interested in the colleges they serve see the Library portion for their colleges?

Dean Wilkin: Glad to extract the Library portion for each college and give it to Lucretia to share with everyone. A new committee about fees and their relationship to tuition is just being charged now. Two of the players in this space are me and Jeff Brown in the College of Business.

3. New Business
There was no new business.

4. Discussion Items
There were no discussion items.

5. Announcements
Cindy Ingold: Co-chair of Diversity Committee. First event of the year, co-sponsored with iSchool. “The Foreigner’s Home”.

Dan Tracy: Scholarly Communications Publishing, Scholarly Commons, – – Savvy Researchers sessions; text book affordability. Four locations where we will have a setup raising awareness of Open Textbooks. (RIS, UGL, Grainger, ACES)

Lynne Thomas: Current exhibit: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly – about choice-making in conservation work. There’s even a hands-on component.

6. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 4:06 pm.