October 8, 2018 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

October 8, 2018

Agenda Details


See minutes.

Minutes Details




October 8, 2018


428 Library




  1. 1:30-2:00 – L-CAP Update – Jamie Carlstone (Co-Chair), Tricia Lampron (Co-Chair)

The committee has some new members, and good representation across the Library. Chair of the committee will rotate in January, L-CAP will use a Vice-Chair/Chair model assuming member is re-elected to the committee for the coming year. The forum with the Dean from May provided a good opportunity for communication. Primary concerns were the civil service audit, the AP promotional path, research support, and the merit raises or other forms of recognition. The committee organizes field trips to help see what AP’s in other units do. Two L-CAP members worked with the AUL’s to rank AP’s hired since the initial review process was completed.


L-CAP is assisting with communication regarding the civil service audit and the AP promotional path. The group is working with Jake MacGregor to establish a formal method of communication regarding issues. L-CAP is looking to help better support AP’s throughout the promotional path, and is working on improving communication amongst AP’s in general. There seems to be broad engagement of AP’s with the L-CAP committee.


  1. 2-2:30 – AULs
    1. Library Building Project Update
      Quarterly update took place a few weeks ago, and was recorded for anyone unable to attend. A special collections consultant will be coming in December to begin discussions in that area. There is no news yet on a campus contract. Communication efforts will continue. The next quarterly update in December will likely include a discussion of change management.

    2. Operational discussion with AUL’s

EC and the AULs discussed.

  1. Approve minutes – September 28

Approved with a motion to approve as amended by Lynne Thomas, seconded by Heidi Imker.

  1. Question Time
    John attended a Google Summit last week, which was the first summit since 2010. Google continues to work productively with library partners, and is enhancing the quality of their scans. Google’s work with languages in OCR continues to improve access to scanned content.


The Library Building Project publicity campaign is underway. Communication efforts will continue for the foreseeable future. The Senate Committee on the Library continues to discuss. John will continue to meet with various faculty groups, including the I-School, regarding the building project.


Personnel question was discussed.


Sabbatical coverage questions were discussed.


  1. Job description

Job descriptions were approved.


  1. Committee Appointment Request

A committee appointment request was discussed.


  1. New Committee Proposal, Committee membership

Committee proposals and memberships were discussed.