October 27, 2022 Meeting of Library Staff Support Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

October 27, 2022

Agenda Details


LSSC Meeting Agenda 10-27-22
I. Quarterly Meeting with Dean Wilkin-
A. Robert Howerton Scholarship- Approval/ Susan’s feedback
B. Safety training proposal/R.A.D. – Location, Jake’s observations and proposal guidelines- Recent Safety Concerns
C. LCIT Proposal and EC update
D. LSSC Hangout updates
E. Recent Feedback Comments Sent to LSSC- 8/27/22- Have the union incorporate
restrictions on policy changes affecting cs. ie, library hours or service desk changes.
Have the union representation be more present and involved in the inclusive governance.
1.Shared with Ben Riegler with the possible future invitation to speak with LSSC- response- happy to attend a meeting in the future, the first portion is probably not feasible as those determinations are management rights.

F.Call for any further follow-up/ members’ questions or comments- if time allows.

Noon- 12:30
II. Approve Sept Minutes
III. Liaison & Committee Reports
IV. Other updates /comments if time allows
a. Nov meeting- reschedule for date and time due to Holiday
b. Staff advisory council update.
c. Dean Search candidates

Minutes Details


Attendees for October 27, 2022 zoom meeting
Jan Adamczyk (IAS)
Bill Arvola (Law)
Kristen Blankenship (CPS)
Karen Huck (Arts & Humanities)
Kim Hutcherson (Administration)
Tony Hynes (Special Collections)
Jeffrey Loftiss (Physical Sciences)
Michelle Self-Ballard (CPS)
Dulcie Vermillion (Social Sciences)
Johna Von Behrens (Technical Services)


Approve September Minutes: Approved with minimal corrections.

Liaison Reports and Updates:
Administration: Nothing to report

Administrative Council: Kirstin Johnson was appointed to sit on the Budget Group, replacing Bill Mischo. Joe Lenkart asked if the building could be open at 7 am during the winter to accommodate the full-time civil service employees. Tim Newman noted that the building is open at 7:45. Mary Laskowski noted that there is already a policy in place. John Wilkin responded that a specific justification needs to be written and needs to be an agenda item in order for the AC to consider. It’s unknown if Joe will pursue this for a future AC meeting.

Area Studies: Discussions of East Asian studies Librarian: if the title will be that or Japanese Librarian, discussions on collection development and getting documents in writing for the new Dean.
Arts & Humanities: Division is working on helping GA’s and their cohorts become broadly trained. Round robin – others talked about what they are doing in their libraries for outreach and events. HPNL – reviews of books for their book display.
Central Public Services: Discussions on Sabbatical. CAS: participating in the special treat-filled event October 31st in the Library Orange Room.
Law: College of Law Dean leaving summer 2023, haven’t started the search. Working on shifting projects of the collection.

Physical Sciences: Nothing to report. Joint meeting with LSD in November.
Social Sciences: Discussed committee updates.

Special Collections: Discussion on database that they use in Special Collections.

Technical Services: Nothing to report.

Quarterly Meeting with Dean Wilkin
J: If LSSC needs anything in writing before I leave, ask.
LSSC: RFS conference fees might be going up need to adjust our budget request. Do we formally submit a budget for conferences?
J: LSSC has support of the Dean, it is reasonable to expect inflation costs, that’s a non-issue. Just send a regular commitment letter.
LSSC: Robert Howerton Scholarship draft was sent to Susan for approval feedback. Susan indicated we need more clarity and possibly get Jake MacGregor’s input.
J: I haven’t seen Susan’s feedback, but yes, send to Jake.
LSSC: Update on the Safety training proposal/R.A.D. Jake MacGregor gave us his observations and proposal guidelines which included why we are wanting this training. We are proposing this training because of recent safety concerns.
J: Yes, Jake is a good resource, start with the why.
LSSC: LCIT Proposal and EC update
J: LSSC needs to have a seat at the table in a formal way.
LCCS: Would it make a difference?
J: Absolutely. If you have a dean that doesn’t listen, that is a problem. The dean may disagree but takes responsibility. Every committee is advisory. It doesn’t mean voices don’t matter. It doesn’t mean if there is disagreement that you aren’t heard. You need to be heard. There are complicated ways of doing things at the Library. If the LCIT is created, it still could be a problem (can’t have two groups doing same thing) AC/LCIT, EC. This should be a shared process. I agree it should be on pause.
LSSC: Hangout updates – thank you for the hangouts. Will the hangouts continue?
J: The Interim Dean will almost surely be someone who you know and will want to ensure stability. New dean might have ideas of their own, but I hope that person will keep the hangouts going.
LSSC: Sharing our LSSC feedback comments: Have the union incorporate
restrictions on policy changes effecting cs. i.e., library hours or service desk changes. Have the union representation be more present and involved in the inclusive governance. We shared with Ben Riegler with possible future invitation to speak with LSSC. Ben’s response was happy to attend a meeting in the future, the first portion is probably not feasible as those determinations are management rights.
J: Speaking with Ben about union issues is a good idea.
LSSC: Thank you Dean Wilkin!

Other Updates / Comments
• Staff advisory council update
o any suggestions/questions to bring forth to the council?
 Can we have ex-officio from LSSC sit on council?
• Dean Search candidate
o Unclear as to why LSSC wasn’t invited as part of interview as we were in the past with other interviews.
o Possibly because the presentations are open to all.
o Johna attended a presentation and the candidate mentioned shared governance.

Nov meeting rescheduled to Nov 17th