October 20, 2022 Meeting of Student-Focused Spaces Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

October 20, 2022

Agenda Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team



  1. Study Updates
    1. PhotoVoice
    2. Focus Groups
  2. IRB updates
  3. Timeline and Next Steps
  4. Other

Minutes Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team



  1. Study Updates
    1. PhotoVoice
    2. Focus Groups

Need to identify times to host focus group sessions. We’ll ask students for their availability.

    1. IRB updates

Consent form – there will now be two, one for each study. We will email students the appropriate consent form once they select the study they want to participate in.  We will read the form at the beginning of the student meetings, and ask for oral consent before we proceed. Students will also agree not to breach the privacy of other members of the focus groups. We can start talking about the study (verbally) in classes and workshops, but won’t start formal advertising until IRB is approved. Procedures for storing personally identifiable information securely were discussed, including how to handle photos which contained identifiable images of people.

    1. Timeline and Next Steps

The team discussed where to begin recruitment, and how to best contact students.

  1. Other