October 17, 2013 Meeting of Area Studies

Time and Location of Meeting

October 17, 2013

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


 IAS Staff Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2013

Present:  Jan Adamczyk, Atoma Batoma, Paula Carnes, Kit Condill, Shuyong Jiang, Laila Hussen, Lisa Renee Kemplin , Joe Lenkart, Larry Miller,  Xiaoping Qi, Lynne Rudasill, Yoo-Seong Song, Antonio Sotomayor, Dimity Tartakovsky, and Steve Witt 


  1. Raphael Bats will be speaking as part of the Cultural Historical Research Center on Friday in LIS RM 126 from 2-3:30. Joe will be giving Raphael a tour of IAS on Wednesday.
  2. Kit Condill will be stepping down as the Interim head of Slavic and will return to Acquisitions. Joe will be taking on the Interim position, which is awaiting approval by the Provost.  The search for the International Library Reference position is in the early stages as there have been requests for staff to join the search committee. Slavic will not be receiving Title VIII money this year. There is enough funding to continue through this year. Sources for continued funding have not yet been identified.
  3. Reminder to turn in lists for microfilm purchases through ProQuest for the 35% discount. This may be a good way to use IPI0 funds or possible endowments depending on resources. There may also be the possibility that Tom Teper would match funds.
  4. Reminder that Sweeps Week continues through Sunday of this week. Please make sure to enter all stats. These can also be entered retroactively by using the Time Stamp feature.


  1. We will save the status update on Graduate Assistants and Graduate Hourlies for Mara’s return next meeting.
  2. A discussion of possible position requests for IAS ensued. Suggested positions include an International Reference Librarian and Associate for Slavic, Japanese Study Librarian, Slavic Acquisitions, and Cataloger for all subjects.


  1. Internet Archive Report-the pilot project report has been turned into the Collection Development Committee. The cost of storage seems to be inexpensive until you factor in all of the revisions and number of copies of archived pages. The response to the question on whether people would be willing to pay and under what circumstances was non-committal.   
  1. Joe and Kit completed the Blackboard Collaboration Administrative Training with Lisa Hinchliffe. There will be an opportunity for volunteers from IAS to participate in the next phase of training. This training will allow participants to experience various roles, such as administrator and user. Joe will send out more information when this becomes available.
  1. Laila reported on her recent MELA and MESA conferences. She encouraged staff to consider signing up for future digitization trainings as well as free webinars. Paula encouraged staff to consider SCALAR/Digital Scholarship Workshops as well as the Faculty Summer Institute for learning technologies. Paula will report back from the SCALAR Digital Scholarship Workshop that will be held on Monday, October 21.

Other: Tailgate is October 26 at 12:30.