October 10, 2022 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

October 10, 20221:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




October 10, 2022


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – October 3, 2022
  2. Question Time 
  3. Discuss the question of open EC meetings
  4. Search committee appointment for Visiting Assistant or Associate Archives and Literary Manuscript Specialist
  5. 2-2:30 AULs/Directors
  6. LSSC/LCP Agenda topics for the next EC meeting
  7. Discuss policy language on acting and interim head appointments

Minutes Details




October 10, 2022


Zoom Meeting


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair), Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, Sarah Williams, Kirstin Johnson, Myung-Ja Han, and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams; Recording


Invited Attendees: Chris Prom, David Ward, and Tom Teper.


Meeting Documents:


  1. Minutes – The October 3, 2022, minutes were approved upon a motion from Mara Thacker, which was seconded by Chris Wiley.


  1. Question Time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the following:
    • Dean Wilkin would like to get on a future agenda a discussion around specialized faculty. [Updating the “Distinctions in Expectations and Responsibilities” document to include something about specialized faculty to guide us and our colleagues in the use of specialized faculty for positions in the library. We need to decide how to implement Provost Communications 25 and 26 and also possibly change the bylaws.]
    • Dean Wilkin nominated a number of people for the Strategic Planning process and invitations will be going out.


  1. Discuss the question of open EC Meetings – EC had some robust discussions around open EC meetings. EC members agree there should be some element of openness of EC meetings and will continue these discussions at the next EC meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022, which will include LSSC and LCP co-chairs.


  1. Search committee appointment for Visiting Assistant or Associate Archives and Literary Manuscript Specialist – EC appointed committee members and one chair to serve on the Visiting Assistant or Associate Archives and Literary Manuscript Specialist Committee. Lucretia Williams will reach to the appointed to see if they would agree to serve and then report back to EC. [Cait Coker (chair), Stephanie Luke, Kate Lambaria (Siobhan McKissic backup), Jameatris Rimkus, Sarah Harris]


  1. 2-2:30 AULs/Directors – The AULs/Directors presented general updates to EC.


David Ward– Gave updates on the task forces/working groups that he is leading. The Instruction Task Force has two subgroups that have been meeting. One is working on a professional development plan. It started with a draft of competencies for instruction, and then they’re moving towards using that to build out a program focusing on professional development training at different levels. The second group is focused on assessment, short- and long-term goals for assessment. The short-term goals are being prepared now. David just submitted some documentation to IRB. The Instruction Task Force’s four assessments of space use this past fall are to gauge both the impact of the UGL closure as well as the general needs for space and technology for teaching purposes, which will help us plan moving forward.

The Student Focused Spaces Task Force – This group is doing more involved studies. One sub-group is planning a series of focus groups on space uses and space needs. The other sub-group is a planning a photo voice study, which is where we have students use cameras to take pictures. Everything was submitted for IRB approval, and the groups will move into recruitment later this fall.


Tom Teper – The AP Peer Review Promotion Advisory Committee has largely completed its work and submitted recommendations to the Dean. Tom gave updates on the Library Building Project, including meetings being scheduled to discuss millwork, landscaping, furniture, fixtures, and equipment. The 50% construction documents should be ready by the beginning of November 2022. Tim Newman has been working with our partners and F&S on getting the demo rolling on building. The construction manager is getting closer to being approved, and once it is, we’ll have a public announcement about that.


Chris Prom

  • Updated EC on a faculty role change and continued discussions on this.
  • Updated EC on the iPres meeting that will be here September 2023. More information will be forthcoming.
  • Chris will be working with a former student of his on a DEIA research study. Ruby Martinez is the Academic Hourly employee who’s going to be the lead on the study, and she’s going to be reaching out and contacting former GA’s or former iSchool graduates, who are people of color. They’re going through the IRB process in the weeks ahead and then will begin recruitment. They are looking out in the community and networks that they can tap into for that. The main purpose of it is to study people’s experiences while they’re in iSchool because there actually isn’t a lot written about the experiences of iSchool students of color.



  1. LSSC/LCP Agenda topics for the next EC Meeting – EC suggested topics of discussion for the next EC meeting for LSSC and LCP co-chairs. Sarah Williams will reach out to LSSC and LCP about the discussion topics.


  1. Discuss policy language on acting and interim head appointments – EC has some robust discussion on bringing clarity to the policy language on acting and interim head appointments.



Meeting adjourned at 3PM.